Tag Archives: Primary4

Girls Cricket

After school girls cricket club is a cricket club for girls age P3 to P7. Its in the school hall at 3:45 to 4:45 on a Tuesday. It is organised by Active Schools Aberdeenshire and run by Neil Nichol.

We desperately hope new people join us for cricket as numbers are running low. At the moment there are only 7 or 8 of us and Neil wants to have a Gordon Primary girls cricket team.  This involves turning up to training and cricket Matches. Please come!!!:)

By Fiona P5 Blogger


Fairtrade fortnight will be starting soon (February 25th to March 10th).

The FAIRTRADE representatives from all the classes in the school have been busy having meetings and deciding how they could help to promote Fairtrade over the fortnight.

There will be a Fairtrade tuckshop during the fortnight, run by the P4, 5,6, and 7 Fairtrade representatives. There will also be a sculpture/collage competition; each class is invited to bring in Fairtrade wrappers and packets and use these to make a sculpture or collage which will be displayed in the school. Photos of the artwork will be uploaded to the Fairtrade website.

There will also be a Fairtrade logo hunt in the school grounds during the second week.

Primary 4 Fairtrade reps have written letters to parents about the Fairtrade activities. Some reps have been busy making logos (for the treasure hunt) and badges. P 1-3 reps spoke to the early stages at assembly about the fortnight , and P5-7 reps wrote and delivered an assembly to the Upper Stages, reminding them why we should try and support Fairtrade and how Fairtrade helps some farmers to get a better (and fair) deal..

The Primary 6 classes are looking at Fairtrade as their project. P6B designed some lovely posters to promote the fortnight and the tuckshop.

Find out about Fairtrade with Aberdeenshire


Mr Gray Leaving

Sadly Mr Gray is going to be leaving this Thursday.

He has been working at Gordon Primary School for several years, he will be taking up a position at Alford Primary School after the Mid-term break!

Mr Gray has participated in a lot of after school and lunchtime clubs. His skills and knowledge will be greatly missed in this area!

Most of the children will be very sad to see Mr Gray leave and so will a lot of the staff will miss his enthusiasm and humour!

Gordon Primary School wishes Mr Gray the best of luck in his next stage of his career and will offer a warm welcome whenever he comes to visit!

By Duncan (P6 Blogger)

Burns Poems

Last week (Friday 25th January 2013) Gordon Primary School had a Burns Assembly where a number of people from each class recited a Doric Poem. Every pupil from P4/7 were given a poem to learn off by heart. The winners were chosen to recite their poems at assembly.  Some learnt poems by Robert Burns such as “A Red, Red Rose” and some people recited some more modern poems by more modern poets such as Sheena Blackhall and Les Wheeler.

P4c Callum and Steven  both recited  Castle Creepy.

P4b Alisa  recited The Siar Finger, Lucy recited Mince and Tatties and Haiden recited  Castle Creepy.

P5b Ellie  recited Up the Stairs, Mitch  recited The Fireman, Lola recited The Sair Finger and Caitlin  recited Tanglen.

P6a Cameron  recited The Roman Sodger, Duncan, Hollie, Samantha  all recited A Red, Red Rose, Becky recited The Crocodile and Ellie recited The Checkouts Lament.

The poems were very entertaining. Well done winners!

By Duncan (P6 Glow Blogger)

After School Cricket Club

Our school sometimes holds clubs after school and in school times!

We really enjoy them and I am going to tell you about one of them:

The Cricket Club!

Its only for girls and its after school and its for girls in primaries 4, 5, 6,  and 7.

Mr Nicol runs it and he enjoys it as much as the girls do!

They meet every week on Tuesdays and they have to be first to leave from school.

There is also a boys cricket club and a girl and boy cricket club but I am only going to write about the girls one.

By Libby And Sinead xxx

Outdoor Fun

Other classes also took the opportunity of working outdoors in the snow, making the most of the fact that the snow was perfect for making snowballs and snowmen.  P4 and P3 classes went outside today to build snowmen. P4C worked together in their co-operative learning groups to build and name a snowman. One group made a snow horse. P4B decided they wanted a change from snowmen and worked together to build a snow dolphin and other animals.

Horse logging

Primary 4A and 4B were very lucky to be able to go down to the meadows to watch the horse logging last Thursday (Nov 30th). The trip was organised by Aberdeenshire Council and the Forestry Commission.

Over a period of 3 weeks about 155 trees had been moved from the Meadows using the traditional method of horse logging.

They learnt about the importance of the woods for encouraging wildlife, the uses of the forest (for paper production and fuel) and why the forest was being thinned.  The Clydesdale horse was being used to move the felled logs because it was able to fit into smaller space that a tractor wouldn’t be able to fit into.

The children were able to stroke Wesley, the horse and help to feed him.

Ther outing was very interesting and everyone enjoyed seeing the horse and learning about logging.

Kick Boxing

Classes in the school are doing kick boxing workshops this week, to give them a taster of kick boxing! Senser John McInnes taught the workshops. He is recently back from Sicily where ex pupil Rhianan Chisolm won a bronze medal in the kick boxing world championships!

Primary 4 classes enjoyed learning some basic moves. They enjoyed doing a warm up and stretches. They then learnt the Left Punch, the Right Punch and a Side Kick.  Then they combined them all together while saying KI-A!

By Duncan (P6 Blogger)

Sharing Assembly

Musicians Allysson Velez and Keith Cockburn joined the primary 4 classes to share the results of their 5 week block of music workshops with the school at a very lively musical assembly. The P4s sang “Ye Cannae Shove yer Grannie af a Bus” and “Three Craws” accompanied by Keith on guitar. They also joined in with the chorus of a “coco” song in Portuguese, warning about the dangers of fishing near sharks, accompanied by Allysson on pandero. A group of pupils then danced a “Ciranda” which is a  Brazilian circle dance. It was a very entertaining assembly.

Primary 4 enjoyed learning about scottish and brazilian music, and are sorry that the workshops have come to an end. Thank you Keith, Allysson for coming to Gordon Primary to work with us and Deveron Arts for providing the workshops.