Tag Archives: P7


The Fairtrade group met this Monday lunchtime and were given the good news that Gordon Primary have achieved Fairtrade Status for the third year!

Mrs Innes, Mrs Sell and Mrs Webster thanked the Fairtrade group for their enthusiasm and hard work throughout the year and particularly during Fairtrade fortnight.

The group decided that P7 representatives would announce the good news about Fairtrade status at the end of term assembly. They would also thank the volunteers who have helped running the Fairtrade tuckshop and the Fairtrade stall at parents evening and also all parents, pupils and staff for their support. The local ethical trading shop, Elturnatives would also be thanked for the support they have given the school in running the Fairtrade tuckshop.

Sports Championships

Achievements in Sport were celebrated at assembly today.

The four swimmers (Pietra, Jasmine, Leah and Katie) who recently took part in the Swimming Championship showed pupils and staff a video of their races. They came 9th in the national competition. Well done!

The Primary 7 Sports champions were also announced at assembly.

Runners up are Lucy B, Cameron R, Jack H  and James M

The overall Girls Winner was Jasmine E and the boys winner was Owen M. All champions received a small trophy to keep, while the overall winners have their names engraved on a school trophy to be kept at school and presented yearly.

Well done everyone!

End of term Disco

There is a end of term disco on Thursday 4th of  July. It will primary sevens last disco at the primary school! The disco will be held  in the large hall. The P.T.A.are organising it. The money that gets raised is going to P.T.A.funds,. Money raised by the PTA is used for many important things in the school.


Last Thursday p7s came back from Glenshee. They had an amazing time there. These are some of the activities that they were doing. – raft building , rock climbing ,and they even did some arts and crafts . Staff at the Compass Christian Centre commented on the good behaviour of the p7s and on how well they co operated with each other.

The boys had to go up a lot of steps to get to their rooms and so did the girls. The teachers that went there were  Mrs McIntosh, Mr Wood, Mr Scrimshaw and Miss Philp Smith.  They all  had an amazing time there.

by ellie craib p5 blogger

Sports day

Tuesday 18Th June 2013  the upper stages all attended down at the field. Parents to come down and watch us too.  Everyone was really good. It was really fun and everyone took part. We are really excited to hear the results. First classes took part in fun races , like  the monkey run,the three legged race, the crab race, football dribbling and the five shirt race. Then every class took part in a flat race. Everyone was pleased that the weather was good enough to hold sports day, epecially the p4s, who had not had a sports day for 2 years!

We are now hoping that the weather is good enough for the Lower Stages to be able to have their sports tomorrow!


The p7s are looking forward to going to Glenshee next week.  They will be staying at the Compass Christian Centre for four nights. They are prepared for their trip, taking walking boots and waterproofs. They will probably be doing some activities like rock climbing, canoeing, orienteering, climbing and other exciting outdoor activities. We are sure they will have a great time!

by ellie p5 blogger


After completing a few weeks of training, a group of intrepid P6 and 7s are leaving this Thursday for an adventure in the Bin Forest. They will be spending the day walking to their destination, using maps and compasses to find their way. Once there, they will put up their tents and camp overnight in the Bin! They will be cooking their food on a camping stove. Mr Wood, Mrs McAdam, Miss Coutts will be joining them. We are sure they will have a great time and are looking forward to hearing about their experiences.

Scottish Schools!

On Wednesday19th of June Jasmine (P7),Leah  (P6),Katie(P6) and Me (P6) are going to go to Edinburgh to compete in an event called Scottish Schools. We will be doing the front crawl relay. We have to swim 50 meters (2 lengths).  My time is 37:09, Leah’s time is 39:98, Katie’s time is 38:56 and Jasmine’s time is 32:62!  We all have really good times and we hope to get PB’s (Personal Best). Our time all together is 1.48.25 (1 Minute 48 Seconds And 25 milliseconds) Our coach Ivan is very happy with our times,  but he hopes we can get a bit faster. We have to work very hard and train for one and a half  to two  hours a day. We train for three to five days a week!

By Pietra (P6A Blogger)

P7 Visit to The Gordon Schools

The P7s will be visiting the Gordon Schools on Wednesday (12th), Thursday (13th) and Friday (14th)!
The P7s will be meeting other pupils from other schools in the Huntly Network and getting to know the teachers that will be teaching them during their time in Secondary!

 By Duncan (P6 Blogger)


Book Author

An author came to visit P6-P7. The author`s name is Caroline Clough. She has written a book called the Red Fever, Black Tide and is writing a new book  just now. She told us about how she got her ideas and how she goes about writing her books.

She also let us buy her books.

By Cameron( P6 Blogger)