Burns Poems

Last week (Friday 25th January 2013) Gordon Primary School had a Burns Assembly where a number of people from each class recited a Doric Poem. Every pupil from P4/7 were given a poem to learn off by heart. The winners were chosen to recite their poems at assembly.  Some learnt poems by Robert Burns such as “A Red, Red Rose” and some people recited some more modern poems by more modern poets such as Sheena Blackhall and Les Wheeler.

P4c Callum and Steven  both recited  Castle Creepy.

P4b Alisa  recited The Siar Finger, Lucy recited Mince and Tatties and Haiden recited  Castle Creepy.

P5b Ellie  recited Up the Stairs, Mitch  recited The Fireman, Lola recited The Sair Finger and Caitlin  recited Tanglen.

P6a Cameron  recited The Roman Sodger, Duncan, Hollie, Samantha  all recited A Red, Red Rose, Becky recited The Crocodile and Ellie recited The Checkouts Lament.

The poems were very entertaining. Well done winners!

By Duncan (P6 Glow Blogger)