Sharing Assembly

Last week  (13th March) Cameron and Katie from P6 told us about the Junior First Aid course that they had taken part in. They had learnt simple but important first aid guidelines, such as two different ways to help if someone is choking.

Well done Cameron and Katie.

Next Chris, Christine and Pietra told us how they have been busy raising money for Comic Relief by bouncing into school and home again on Space Hoppers. They explained how their journey has been made more difficult because of snow and ice …. and they have the bruises to prove it!  Well done Chris, Christine and Pietra for your  effort!

Finally P4A showed us what they have been learning about this term; they performed a poem “The Fight of the Year” by Roger McGough, complete with actions. Some of the class read poems that they had written themselves. Others told us they had been learning about electricity and learning how to make a circuit. They showed us models that they had made which had moving parts (a propeller on a helicopter) or parts that lit up (cats’ eyes).