Sharing assembly; P6B

P6B have been studying the Tudors, and shared what they have been doing in a very interesting and entertaining assembly.

They showed us posters they had made and read poems. They showed and talked about their models of Tudor buildings. Finally they created a television report about the birth of Queen Elizabeth 1st , which included interviews live from Windsor Castle !

Sharing assemblies P4C

Last week P6b and P4c shared what they have been doing with the Upper stages.

P4C have been learning about space. They acted out a game show called “Im a celebrity, Get me to Mars,” answering questions about space. The winning team won a trip to Mars.

While they were exploring Mars they suddenly met some aliens. They weren’t sure if they were friendly, but fortunately the aliens, (who were also a bit frightened at first), were friendly and welcoming. The Martians told the people from Earth all about their red, dusty planet.

P4c also showed the posters and alien portraits that they had done in art with Mrs. Wills.

Nursery News

The nursery have been busy joining in with Fairtrade fortnight.

Groups of nursery children have been visiting local shops. They have been making sure that their snack is Fairtrade, so they have been looking out for the Fairtrade  logo in different shops around the town and finding out which shops stock Fairtrade products . They chose the fairtrade product to eat for snack and paid for them.

They visited the local Ethical Trading shop, Elturnatives, and found out more about Fairtrade products.

Back at school they enjoyed their snacks, including delicious and healthy Fairtrade fruit.

They are also taking part in the “Find the Logo” competition.