Non-Matching Socks Day!

Last Thursday (21st March) was non-matching socks day at Gordon Primary school, organised by Primary 1.

Pupils were invited to wear non matching socks, and to bring a donation towards the Scottish Downs Syndrome society. Primary 1 pupils made badges, which they sold for 30p. They were so popular they all sold out, and more had to be made! Primary 1 also went around the school to collect the money, which they collected in a sock. It became VERY heavy.

More than £190 was collected, which has been sent to the society. Well done primary 1 for organising the day!


P4 recycling

P4 recently enjoyed workshops organised by Deveron Arts. nancy, elisabetta and Norma came into work with the P4’s.

The p4’s learnt how young children in Zimbabwe play with dolls and footballs made from recycled materials (plastic bags and newspaper). They then had a go at making the dolls. They all really enjoyed the activity.

Thank you Deveron Arts.


Shane (P6b) had been in the Gardening Group for Hobbies. Ever since then he has enjoyed gardening a lot and  he is now the head gardener, working with Craig, Keiran, Thomas and Grant!  They are working very hard to look after all the flowers around Gordon Primary School!

They have been planting tulips and daffodils which have been placed around the school, in the entrance foyer and corridors. They have certainly given the school a bright cheerful feel.  They also planted some spinach!

By Duncan  (P6 Blogger)

Orchestra Concert

On Monday the Orchestra had a concert for parents, teachers and family. Mrs Mcintosh, Mrs Innes, Mr Scrimshaw and Miss Barrere and pupils were playing.

The songs we played were Air on the G string, Chariots of fire, Pure e` Gent and the Water Music.

The instruments in it was Violins, Pianos, Trumpets, Flutes, Trumpets, Chellos and CYMBOLS. We used the cymbols for the puer e` gent.

On Thursday they will hold their own assembly for the School.

By Cameron (P6 Blogger)


P6B have been going to swimming lessons on a Tuesday

We are working towards our Advanced and Mini Lifeguard Certificates.

It has been really fun and  we still have till May, so we have to try really hard to achieve our certificates and to do that we have to learn to

* Straddle jump

*Pull victims across water

*Treading water.

Plus so much more. Wish us luck!

The New Teachers

Miss Murray is the NEW P6A teacher for Thursday and Friday, she is a great teacher and all of P6A have welcomed her well and we are all excited to have a new teacher!

welcome  plane animation

The new teachers are called Miss Coull, Mrs Wheeler, Miss Philp-Smith and all of us have welcomed them well!

By Chris And Pietra (P6A   bloggers)


Space craft of all shapes and sizes have been winging their way into Gordon Primary over the last couple of weeks.

Primary 4C were asked to make a space vehicle at home using recycled materials. Each pupil would show their vehicle to the class and do a brief talk about who would use the space craft, its destination, what sort of fuel it used and any other interesting facts.

The results have been very impressive. One space craft comes complete with fridge, television and toilet! The models are currently on display in the P4 area.