The Santa Fun Run was held on the 29th of November. An amazing 248 people signed up to put on their Santa costume and run two kilometres around Gordon Park.
The event saw young and old, babies and even dogs waiting with anticipation and excitement at the starting line. When the horn blew at 10.30am the fun began. Each Santa had the finish line firmly in their view as they went, “ho, ho, ho” around the park.
However, not only will they receive an applause and a medal to keep for life, they were then greeted by the extravagant Christmas fayre. This included a number of stalls, spectacular food, bouncy castles and even a glorious Santa’s Grotto once we managed to tempt Santa away from the chocolate fountain!
We would like to say a massive thank you to Erin’s mum, Tracy Kelly and Mrs. Stewart who put so much time and effort into organising the event. We really appreciate it. Have a look at some of the pictures below.
Written by the P4-7 Skills for Life, Learning and Work Newspaper Group.