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Grounds development group

Today we have a visitor to our group called FayeMckay who is telling us about how we can attract wild life to the area of the playground which is going to be developed into a sustainable playground. She has brought in books and catalogues to show us what we  might need.Jayde’s group were looking at an animal house book and a gardening book they were also designing what will go in the back wall and splitting up each class.Zac was looking at different types of herbs.Cole is designing a bird house.Rachel’s group were copying down flower bulb ideas.By Zoe mitchell and Hayley milne.

The health group

The health group have been making posters for fruity friday  and finding out about more diffrent ways to make people eat fruit and have been making a sheet of how to make the school a helthier place. They have been making posters of bullying to stop people bulling. For fruity friday the class with the most fruit wins house points.

E.C.O Group News!

The E.C.O Group have been doing posters of recycling, saying turn off the lights and reduce reuse and recycle. They are also going to be doing a litter rota, like saving litter and putting litter in the bin even if it has been on the ground, just puting all litter in the bin. they are going to go through an action plan and they also have a litter picker list for this term.


            Pumpkin Party Fun!

 At the Pumpkin Party there were three DJs called Jim, Steve and Luke. Some people dressed up as scary monsters like witches, pumpkins, devils, zombies and two people wore morphsuits! Who were they? There was a pumpkin contest with all the best pumpkins ideas anyone could come up with! The P1 to 3 winner was Scarlett. The P4 to 5 winner was Jennifer and the P6 to 7 winner was Jade. Everyone had a really good time and the music was blaring loudly. Gangman Style was on, Sorry for Party Rocking, Party Rock Anthem, YMCA and lots more groovy tunes. The DJs were dancing with us and putting on songs that we requested. The night was awesome and everyone who was there had a GREAT TIME!!!!

By Oscar, Jay & Lucy                  





Research in P3

We researched a breed of dog at home. We found out facts about our dog and made a poster to share with the class. We took turns to present our findings to the class. We peer assessed each others talks. We were looking for good eye contact with the audience, a clear voice and interesting facts.

Mrs Paterson P5

On our trip to Satrosphere/ Cruickshank Botanic Gardens – We had a Bug Show and Tell, we handled – stick insects and giant African Land Snails, we stroked Train Millipede and saw Death Head Cockroaches and enjoyed ‘Science on the Spot’.  Bed of Nails – Greg (the Explainer) lay on a bed of nails,  Orla stood on top of him.  At the Gardens we were shown round by Mark Paterson (Curator)  We had a plant treasure hunt and collected -soil, leaves, bark and flowers, a bouquet for the Queen. 

Our Experiment – finding the effects of fertiliser on radish seeds we were surprised to find that the water only grew best.  We planted 25 seeds – watered only 24, fertiliser 21 – week 2 – 19, week 3 -23 with strong fertiliser 9.  Our Geranium has proved that plants CAN move because now all its leaves are facing the sun.           We are looking forward to the holidays!!!!!

How to fill a bucket.

We have been reading the story of  ‘Have you filled a bucket today?’.  We learnt all about being nice to each other. We took photographs of us being nice and filling each others buckets. We wrote a ‘Bucket Note’ saying whose bucket we would like to fill and why. We also made buckets, we have been sharing the toys and giving out friendship tokens.

Mrs Paterson Primary 5

Project Work – we planted radishes to find out the effects of fertiliser on the seeds.   Art  Class with Ms Connell – we did Modiglioni Portraits.

We have been learning about how to classify living things – plants, mammals, reptiles etc.  We are making an A – Z  leaflet of plants and animals.

We are looking forward to our trip to Satrosphere and having a Bug Show and Tell  also going to Cruickshank Botanic Gardens (Aberdeen University).


Today we have been learning about friendship. We have talked about how to be a good friend to other people. We have been giving out friendship tokens to people who have been kind, helpful and shared with others.

We are excited to find out who has the most tokens!!

Today we did some peer assessment. We looked a partner’s Michel Keck picture and we thought of a star and a wish for it. We wrote it down on a piece of paper and stapled it on the top corner.

What’s Been Going On in the Pupil Groups This Week

The Ellon Primary School Blog/Web Development Group have been interviewing people and taking pictures of all the other pupil groups this week. Here are some of the things they found out.

The Health Group are busy making posters for Fruity Friday.

Rory and Louise from the Library Group said,  “We have been sorting the books out by their numbers, making posters for our do’s and don’ts, and we are thinking about painting the room too.” They also say it is very very FUN!!!

The Grounds Development Group was measuring the playground to plant plants and to plan a new playground. There is a lady coming in to help them.

We are still learning how to use the blog properly so watch this space for more news and hopefully some photos next time.

Michel Keck pictures by P3

We have been learning about Michel Keck who is a famous dog artist. We looked at some pictures of his work. They are very fancy and colourful!
We drew pictures of dogs in fine black pen and then we collaged different parts of our dog using patterned squares of paper.

Our pictures look phenomenal! You might even mistake them for the real thing…except our pictures have our own signatures at the bottom! Take a look at our pictures which we hope to upload soon to the blog.

Nintendogs P2

We have been learning all about how to look after a dog. First we adopted a nintendog pet in groups of 3 and we gave them a name. We feed, walk and clean our nintendog every couple of days.

We also really enjoyed looking at an artist who draws rainbow dogs. Have a look at his website, it is We picked our favourite picture and copied it ourself! See our photograph. They are very colourful and brilliant.

We have made a pet shop in our classroom, it is just like a real pet shop. We have wrote shopping lists, made price lists and made signs on the computer. Come and see our Nintendog book with all our work in it!

Thanks for looking, from P2