Category Archives: Religious and Moral Education

Ellon Primary School Christmas Assembly

This year’s Christmas assembly told the real meaning of Christmas while celebrating the amazing talent that the pupils hold.

Our speakers who told the Chritmas story
We played Christmas songs on the cello while our music instructor, Mr Mathieson, played the piano for us.
We were a little bit nervous before we started to play but we really enjoyed it.
I have been working hard to learn the songs.
Just before we played in front of the whole school.
Margaret and Ron have been delivering our religious assemblies this session so it was very nice that they were able to come along and speak at our Christmas assembly too.
Alison helped the P7s learn the songs for their Remembrance Assembly and she played the piano for us today too.
Gene and Maja played extremely well and Maja was brave enough to play a solo too.

The Xmas Factor!

The Xmas Factor!

Well what a show!! Parents, granparents, brothers and sisters, young and old all lined up waiting in anticipation for the P6-P7 Christmas show. The outfits were put on, the last minute adjustments to hair were put in place and then it was time to get going.

We were all feeling a bit nervous but we were looking forward to putting the show on too. The songs were quite hard to learn but we knew we would be able to do them well because we had all tried so hard to learn the words and the actions.

Here are some photos of our concert:

We also have some short video clips of our concert too which will be uploaded very soon. Watch this space!

Mother’s Day cards, verbs

We were making Mother’s Day cards for Mother’s Day. We enjoyed making the cards.  We made hearts for the front of the cards and wrote in gel pens.  Some of them were sparkly!  We can’t wait to give them to the mums on Sunday!

We were learning how to play a game called Vigorous Verbs.  To play Vigorous Verbs someone gave you a card.  You weren’t allowed to look at the card until it was your turn.  On your turn you would look at the card and if it was a verb. You would act it out in the middle and if it wasn’t you took another card. We drew our Vigorous Verbs.

Noctural animals, Hanukka

We have been learning about nocturnal animals and have been using the computer for researching the animals.  We had to find out where the animals live, what they eat,what type they are and how they get around in the dark. 

We looked at the story of Hanukka because it is another celebration about light.  We learned abut the menorah which is a big lamp with 9 candles.  Jewish people celebrate Hanukka for 8 days because the oil miracle lasted for 8 days.


Diwali, Phases of the moon

We learned a story about Rama and Sita because it is Diwali this week.  We made little diva lamps because at Diwali everyone has a party about light and dark.

For our homework we have to look out to see the moon for 2 weeks.  We are looking to see what shape the moon is.  We will look at the moon and if it is cloudy we have to draw a cloud and if it is a clear night and you can still not see the moon you write moon not visible.  It takes almost a month for the moon to orbit the Earth.


P4  have  been  learning  about  Judaism. We have been making star of Davids,one of  the  Judaism  symbols.We have been making masks for the story of Esther.We have been learning about one of the Judaism festivals. We watched  the story of Esther in lego. Jewish people  pray in a  synagogue.They keep  the Torah scrolls in the Ark.Everyone  has their own chairs with their name on it.When the men pray they wear  a shawl called a  tellit.You are not allowed to touch the scrolls you need to use a pointer called a yad.