Christmas Lunch and Ellon Primary School

On Friday the 5th of December we had our Christmas lunch. There were about 178 people and 13 teachers. The dinner ladies wore Christmas aprons and Mrs. Whalley had a funny hairband on. There were a lot of Christmas crackers and everyone got to pull one.

The menu was roast turkey, chippolata sausages, mealie, roast tatties, mash tatties, sweetcorn, baby carrots and sprouts. The pudding was Christmas pudding or jelly with ice-cream. Everyone liked the Christmas music and had a really nice time. Erin’s mum helped to make sure we all had crackers.

Written by Alex and Rhianna in the P2-4 S4L Newspaper Group

Getting into the Christmas Spirit
Dean and Sophie pulling their crackers
Alisha and Jessica pulling their crackers
Mrs. Canning in the Festive Spirit

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