Tag Archives: parents

Focus on Fairtrade

Our Fairtrade committee have been working very hard this year to re-apply for our status as a FairAchiever school.  To do this we had to complete the following actions:

  1. Adopt a Fairtrade Policy
  2. Review our Action Plan
  3. Embed Learning
  4. Use Fairtrade Products
  5. Complete 2 challenges – we choose Fairtrade cafe and promoting Fairtrade school uniform.
  6. Complete both learner and teacher audits – our learner audit has showed us where we need to focus over the next 3 years, our teacher audit told us that Fairtrade can be taught in many subjects, Health and Wellbeing, Social Subjects, Maths and Literacy.

We also wrote to Tayside Contracts to ask them to use Fairtrade products whenever possible in the supplying of nursery snack and our school dinners, we had new cupboards installed in school and were given a donation of 100 white mugs, allowing us to be more eco-friendly when catering for events in our school.  Thanks to Carnoustie/Panbride church.  Many children painted the Fairtrade logo onto rocks at our cafe and the committee then hid them around Carnoustie for the public to find and to promote Fairtrade – we think ‘Fairtrade Rocks’ and we hope you do too.