We have become a well established school community with a number of major achievements under our belt. These include Health Accreditation, Reading Accreditation, Eco Schools Award and Fairtrade status, all of which have involved pupils working in collaboration with staff and, in many cases parents and/or the community. We have very good working relationships with our pupils and parent forum and a number of groups have become established over the past years which involve teachers, pupils, parents and members of the wider school community. Many of our pupil groups are led by a member of staff, meeting through the school day with senior pupils who then ask visit the younger classes to seek their thoughts and opinions.
Pupil Council
The Pupil Council meet every term to discuss and organise events for the school. The children have taken their role very seriously from helping create a child friendly school improvement plan to retrieving the balls that accidently get kicked over into the caravan site. They worked really hard last term co-ordinating the Shoe Box Appeal and an amazing 33 boxes where delivered to Blythwoods Care, Broughty Ferry ready for distribution to the families in need.
They have also been proactive in their suggestions of how to help support the noise levels in the dinner hall and the leaf blowing of our football pitch in the playground. They are always looking for jobs to do around the school to help continue to keep the school the wonderful learning environment/experience that it is. There have been many ideas for upcoming events throughout the school this year such as a whole school Health Day filled with fun learning activities. Watch this space!
Eco-Council – P7
Young Leaders – P7

We are looking forward to meeting our newly appointed Activ Schools Co-ordinator Megan who is joining us in January. She will be supporting our P6’s and P7’s to become young leaders and further build their leadership skills through running various sports activities throughout the school The children are always keen to take on leadership roles and build their skillset in this area. This is something we very much like to promote at Woodlands as good leadership is essential in all walks of life.
Digital Leaders – P6 and P7 pupils Action Plan 23-24
A group of 9 P6 and P7 pupils form our group of Digital Leaders. We meet regularly and ensure school resources are kept up to date and in good order. This year we are applying for our Digital Schools Award and the Digital Leaders are playing a huge, important part in this. We have already supported in P4 with their online assessments and provided some training to SPSA’s. Next term we hope to run a code club for P5.
Sports Council
This year the Sports Council has reps from P1-7 at Woodlands. We have meetings in school every two weeks to ensure we continue to progress physical activity and sport at Woodlands. The Sports Council have reapplied for the Sports Scotland Gold Award and have been awarded the score needed to achieve this. At the start of next term we will be creating a video to evidence what makes Woodlands Gold and this will be our final step in the process. We also have an action plan as part of the award and have already begun to make improvements this year. The Sports Council have started to create a loyalty scheme for our extra curricular clubs to encourage and promote participation. We have also been looking at our Sports Council notice board and have identified news and information we will share in the coming terms. The Sports Council have been discussing extra curricular clubs that they could lead next term during lunchtime and these will be offered to P1-2 first. The children are keen to carry out surveys to find out which sports interest the younger children in school. We also purchased lots of new exciting equipment from the money raised by our Wheelathon which will enhance the delivery of PE lessons and give us a wider choice of resources to support learning at Woodlands. Currently all classes are recording any wider sports achievements and taking photographs of both P.E and outdoor gym sessions. The Sports Council also involve the Nursery children in events and activities and they share photographs of examples of how they keep active.