P1, P2 and P3 Outdoor Learning

P1, P2 and P3 engaging in Outdoor Learning, making bird feeders, creating pictures using found items and making nests for birds.

Scottish Assembly 2025

This week we held a fantastic assembly with many talented performs, sharing their Scottish poems, highland dancing and their musical skills.  Thank you to all of our children for taking part.

Primary 6 learning, Term 3

Primary 6 have been attending weekly swimming lessons at Carnoustie High School and everyone is already making progress.

In  maths P6 have been engaging in outdoor maths games to keep them both active and learning at the same time.

P3 learning, term 2

In primary 3 this term we welcomed a parent visitor into our classroom who kindly came to help us make a wonderful Christmas class calendar. We loved getting creative with all of the amazing fabrics and now have our very own calendar to use each year as we go through school – we learnt all about sustainability and enjoyed exploring all of the sparkly fabrics as well as using the sewing machines.

P1 learning, term 2

P1 have, as always, had a very busy term. Below are some photographs to show some of the activities happening in class.  The children are having  lots of fun and are learning and embedding skills along the way.

Showing our creativity when                                                                 Measuring and counting
decorating Christmas cards.                                                                  making reindeer food.

Learning to form our                                                                               Learning to use our sounds
letters correctly.                                                                                        to spell.

Ordering numbers from
largest to smallest.

Our Outdoor Learning Journey Part 7

In Primary 5 we have been learning more about newspaper reports and what is included in them. We have been learning about the terms eye witness account, reporter, direct quotes, indirect quotes and opposing opinions so we took our learning outside and planned, recorded and reviewed news reports of our own based around finding a dino egg in the school grounds. We all got involved and had different roles to play in the news report. We then gave some positive feedback to other groups after watching their recordings. For maths we had to solve a problem methodically. We had to create as many different natural faces and record them but the main aim of the challenge was to have a method of changing the face to a new one without getting confused or repeating a face we had already created. We set ourselves a success criteria to work from in order to show how successful we had been in the task. In the afternoon we took our learning outside again and used the loose parts play equipment in the park to find solutions to small challenges we set ourselves. Each group had a different challenge to solve with a pile of given resources. The groups solved the challenges in different ways and we learned the importance of communication and cooperation to ensure we were all understanding each other. It was a great day of learning.

Remembering our Community

In Primary 7 we have been learning all about World War 2. We have thoroughly enjoyed this topic and have been keen to find out more about the soldier’s that fought in our local area.
Our teachers got in touch with the lady who has created the Fallen Heroes’ in Arbroath and district Facebook page. She very kindly passed on the research that she had carried out for the soldiers from the Carnoustie area who had fought and died in WW1.
We spent time looking at old maps of Carnoustie to find out where these soldiers had lived and then created rocks dedicated to each individual soldier to place at the War Memorial in their memory.

Our Outdoor Learning Journey Part 5

In Primary 5 we looked at different ways of creating art using nature. We looked at photographs of examples of how you could use things like leaves and sticks to create fantastic artwork and thought we could try to make some of our own. We went into the playground and looked for things we could use in our pictures then we created them using glue to stick the pieces in place and minimal pen marks to add detail.

Our Outdoor Learning Journey Part 4

P3 seem much further down the outdoor learning journey.  Having worked outdoors last session we immediately organise a time in the week where we can do this again, we will be outside for almost 1.5 hours, giving us more time to practise and develop our skills.  This year I am linking each piece or block of learning to a book or books.

We started with the story ‘Tidy’ by Emily Gravett.  This allowed us to have a discussion about the importance of being tidy while also discussing the importance of various seasonal happenings e.g leaf litter and falling seeds.

We mapped out garden area and Primary 3 came up with a list of ideas of things they would like to do and be able to play while outside.  We began to action our plans and decided we needed some signs.  Bringing in sandpaper and pieces of wood was the first venture into ‘risky’ activities and the children rose to the challenge.  A risk assessment was completed, complete with additions due to COVID-19, goggles and gardening gloves were donned and the children rubbed down pieces of an old fence to use as panels for garden signs.  The signs have since been designed and painted using Posca Pens.  Primary 3 this term have created some great woven shapes and have begun planting up the tyres.  We have plans to lay down membrane over our garden area, spread our stones and create an outdoor kitchen and shop where the children can engage in role play.