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Woodlands Parent Council Constitution Parent_Council_Member_Expectations
Minutes of meetings:
Session 22/23
September Minutes 2022 January Minutes 2023
Session 2021/22
November Minutes 2021 May Minutes 22
Session 2020/21
AGM Minutes 2021 April Minutes 2021 June Minutes 2021
August Minutes 2020 November Minutes 2020 January Minutes 2021
Session 2018/19
February Minutes 2019 April Minutes 2019 May Minutes 2019
January Minutes 2019 November_Minutes_2018 August_Minutes_2018
Office bearers 2021/22 Ordinary Members
Audrey Gregory – Chairperson Laura Ferguson
Louise Kelly – Treasurer Bea Finlayson vacant – Secretary Sophie Thompson
Jen Kennedy
Suzanne Smith – Head Teacher
Judith Connor – Depute HT
Laura Ferguson – Principal Teacher
Our photo gallery is designed to give you a flavour of events we run throughout the year.
- We hold disco’s throughout the year.
- We pay for P5, P6 and P7 to be taught first aid
- Christmas Collection for Angus Toy Appeal
- Glitter Tattoos
- Raising funds for the popular gazebo
- Christmas collection for Angus Foodbank
- Our ever popular Christmas tombola
- We subsidise the panto at Christmas time
- Annual family prize bingo
- Thank you for all your support, all the money we raise is then spent on your children.
- We discuss and review school policies.
- We discussed the best uniform supplier and decided upon the outdoor gym kit.
- Bagpack in the co-op
- Spree book vouchers
Q. What is the Parent Council?
A. The Parent Council is a group of parents in our school representing parent views. It works in partnership with pupils, the head teacher and the local authority to achieve the best for their child’s school. Woodlands Parent Council is very parent-friendly – it’s a great opportunity to become more involved we meet approximately once a term in the staffroom over a cup of tea and a biscuit.
Q. How can I get involved?
A. When your child starts school or pre-school, you automatically become a member of the parent forum and you can stand for election to the Parent council. Every year, the parent forum elects a Parent Council to represent the views of parents at the school. Generally, members of the Parent Council must be parents of children who attend the school or pre-school and the chairperson must have a child in the school or pre-school. However, the Parent Council can decide to co-opt other members from teachers and the community who will have knowledge and skills to help them. If a parent has missed the AGM, they should feel free to contact the parent council. They can be co-opted onto the council until the next AGM if they are keen to join.