A Little Monkeys Tail (the ending) by P6

Ending 4

On the way home they sailed into a massive storm which contained megladons. The storm thrashed them about the boat which tipped from side to side in the wind. The boat was slowly being chomped up by the waves. Nia cried, “Gizmo, what are we going to do?”

Suddenly,  the boat crashed into land they ran from the wrecked boat and thought they were safe. But they ran into scorpions and spiders and had to run from that next danger whilst the scorpions and spiders chased them. They swam to the next island which had an active volcano. They stared at the volcano for a while then went searching for some food and shelter. They met an explorer that welcomed them with lots of bananas which made them very happy. “What are you doing here?” asked the explorer.

“Oooo-aa,” said Nia.

“Don’t you know the volcano is going to erupt?” said the explorer.

“Oh no!” said Harambe, “we better leave now.” “You probably have another 5 days,” said the explorer. The monkeys started to panic. “We need a raft now!” said Gizmo and that’s what they did.

The volcano was about to erupt. Harambe and Gizmo went on a hunt for supplies to build a small boat and oars. They found long, thin branches to build the oars and another old boat which they repaired with laves and rusty old metal which was in the water. As the volcano was erupting they built their boat just in time and sailed away. They got back to the jungle and went back to their families to live a peaceful life.