The Big Bad Wolf

Today, we were learning about adjectives. We learned that they are words which we use to describe things.  We can use them to make our stories much more interesting.

We brainstormed as many adjectives as we could to describe the wolf from Little Red Riding Hood. Mrs Stewart added them to the whiteboard so we could use them in our writing.

Here are a few of our descriptions…

“Watch out for the wolf because he eats Grannies with his sharp, yellow teeth. He has a black and white furry body. He has pointy ears that are good at hearing you walking in the forest. So be careful!”  Kyle


Stay away from the forest.  A big, bad wolf lives there.  He has sharp yellow teeth and a big, bushy tail.  He bites his toenails and they go all ragged.  His ears are very pointy.  He has a scary face.  He likes to jump out and eat you.”   Madison


Don’t go into the forest.  There is a wolf in there.  He is very sneaky so watch every step you take because it might be the wolf’s footprint.  He looks very hairy and has sharp, pointy teeth.  He will try to eat you if he sees you.”   Emily

Don’t go near the forest because if you do a big bad wolf will run after you.  The wolf’s smelly feet are as smelly as a garbage bin.  The wolf is furious because he is hungry.”  Ben


Little Red Riding Hood Maths

We have been learning about position in maths and language.

We found out that the position of something tells you where it is. We worked together to make a list of position words such as over, in, above, below etc.

Mrs Stewart told us that these words are also called prepositions.

We worked in groups of four to illustrate our understanding of these words.

We each had a character from Little Red Riding Hood. We each made a separate poster in our group of four. We made a collage or drew a picture and added a sentence with a position word. Then we put all four posters together to make one big poster. We attached our fairytale character to the middle by a piece of ribbon. This meant that we could move our character to the place indicated in the poster.

Have a look at some of our work

We are now making Red Riding Hood themed Bee Bot mats. We will post some more pictures once we have finished.

Dear diary …

Today we were writing Little Red Riding Hood’s diary, for the day she went to visit Granny, and bumped into that very wicked wolf …

Mrs Stewart gave us the start and we had to continue writing the diary from there.

We had to imagine that we were Little Red Riding Hood doing the writing.

We also had to remember that we could not put in the part about the wolf eating Granny because we were still walking through the forest when that part of the story happened.

It was a wee bit tricky, but we worked hard and did a great job.

Superstar Spelling

Here is another fantastic example of creative spelling from one of our Superstars.

Last week we were studying long “a” sounds – ay, ai and a_e.

Here is an amazing train cake.

Even spelling can be yummy!!

Here is another great idea. This Superstar made a game to learn her spelling words. In the lovely pink container there are all her spelling words and some flowers. To play the game you have to pick out a word. If you can read it, you can keep it. If you pick a flower, you miss a turn. The winner is the one with the most words at the end of the game!

Here is a fairytale troll with the spelling words on him.