The Big Bad Wolf

Today, we were learning about adjectives. We learned that they are words which we use to describe things.  We can use them to make our stories much more interesting.

We brainstormed as many adjectives as we could to describe the wolf from Little Red Riding Hood. Mrs Stewart added them to the whiteboard so we could use them in our writing.

Here are a few of our descriptions…

“Watch out for the wolf because he eats Grannies with his sharp, yellow teeth. He has a black and white furry body. He has pointy ears that are good at hearing you walking in the forest. So be careful!”  Kyle


Stay away from the forest.  A big, bad wolf lives there.  He has sharp yellow teeth and a big, bushy tail.  He bites his toenails and they go all ragged.  His ears are very pointy.  He has a scary face.  He likes to jump out and eat you.”   Madison


Don’t go into the forest.  There is a wolf in there.  He is very sneaky so watch every step you take because it might be the wolf’s footprint.  He looks very hairy and has sharp, pointy teeth.  He will try to eat you if he sees you.”   Emily

Don’t go near the forest because if you do a big bad wolf will run after you.  The wolf’s smelly feet are as smelly as a garbage bin.  The wolf is furious because he is hungry.”  Ben


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