Tag Archives: books

Mr Wolf and the Three Bears

During the week we read another of Mrs Stewart’s favourite books, “Mr Wolf and the Three Bears” by Jan Fearnley.

In this book, Mr Wolf invites the three Bear’s over for a party to celebrate Baby Bear’s birthday. But guess who turns up to spoil the party? Yes, that’s right, Goldilocks!!

Never mind, she gets her comeuppance in the end. Read the book and you will find out.

In the book, Mr Wolf and Grandma Wolf look on the internet, at a site called www.hungry-wolf.com to get some ideas for recipes.

We decided to try out two of them – Cheesy Snip Snaps and Daddy Bear’s Huff Puffs.

Cheesy Snip Snaps
Daddy Bear's Huff Puffs

We also did some porridge bowl art. It was a busy day!

Today’s Dragon Mail

The Dragon wrote to let us know that he loved the posters that we made yesterday.

We are trying to make our beanstalk bigger. We made some more leaves when we had finished our maths and cut them out so they are ready to be added to the beanstalk.

Mrs Bailey brought us in some more books. One of them is called “Daft Jack and the Bean Stack.” We are about half way through it and we are really enjoying it. We think it is quite funny.

We talked about the main features of a book cover. We looked at the different “Jack” stories that we have in class and discussed what we liked about them and why.

We designed our own book covers.

In the afternoon we tried acting out parts of the story using mime. Then we worked in small groups and improvised and added some dialogue to our scene. We learned that we have to use nice loud voices and remember to face our audience when we are performing.

Francis the Scaredy Cat

Today we read this book. Mrs Stewart asked us to predict the title again. At first, we thought the cat looked sad but Mrs Stewart asked us to think about what else it might be feeling. We came really close with a prediction of “The Scared Cat.”

The book is about a cat who is left alone in a house and is scared by a hissing noise it hears from outside. We don’t want to spoil the story for anyone, but it is a really good book to talk about why we are sometimes scared of things that we don’t need to be.

We chatted about the things we are most scared of. Snakes were quite high on our list. If we ever meet a snake we are going to be brave, ignore it or run away!

Making Predictions

We have been learning to know and use the term “prediction” when looking at story books in class. We looked at the cover of this book, but Mrs Stewart hid the title from us.

We had to predict what the title would be by looking really closely at the picture and using all the clues available to us. We agreed that Emily made the best prediction with “The Girl who wanted a Lion for a Pet.”

Afterwards, we made these lovely lions from paper plates. They make a great display outside our classroom.