Term 4, Week 7

Well done to our Pupil of the Week Cameron and our Playground Star Lyla!

This week we have been investigating function machines and equations, learning all about some new mathematical symbols.  Pictures are below.

We have continued to learn about Islam and have produced some artwork inspired by Islamic symbols.  Pictures are below.

In PE we have played some spirited games of hockey!  In literacy 2 groups have recently finished books – My Funny Family and The Hodgeheg and will shortly begin Five Children and It, and Hostage after choosing to read these next.  In health and wellbeing we built on our emotional literacy work to create emotions thermometers.

Next week we will be looking at fractions, decimals and percentages.  Our CLIC work will include

long division and multiplying decimals.  In literacy we will be writing a short story based on the Pixar short silent film “Paperman”.

Term 4, Week 6

Hello everyone.

Pupil of the week is awarded for excellent effort and problem solving in maths, well done Pupil of the Week!

Please see below for some of our pupils showing their artwork.  We are painting rocks to support school fundraising, the theme of the rocks is “The Sea”.

CLIC targets for next week will include:

COUNTING in fractions and decimals.

IT’S NOTHING NEW: Multiplying decimals.


CALCULATION: Long division.

Term 3, Week 8: March 1st, 2021

Hello everyone on what may be one of our last online teaching weeks this term! Let’s hope so! The pictures included below are from some of our Earth materials and International Space Station work over the last two weeks.

Pupil of the week this week is Leah – well done Leah, you’ve worked so very hard on your Big Maths!

Abbotswell Primary School- P6
January Home Learning Grid

Week 8: 01/03/2021 – 05/03/2021.

Literacy this week (you will use google docs and meets for these tasks):

Reading and Writing – We will be looking at informative writing this term.  This is about providing clear information.

Monday: This week we will be writing a complaint.  You will learn all about what this is this week.

Tuesday: We will do some reading and task map work.

Wednesday: We will keep working on complaints.

Thursday: You will have French work and reading task maps to do.

Friday: We will keep working on complaints.

Spelling – There will be spelling work for some people and Readingwise for others.  You will be assigned the work you need to do.

Health and Wellbeing

Keep checking for online activities posted by Mrs. Forbes. These will be on Google Classroom throughout the week.  Included in this is an exciting challenge where the whole school will be “walking to Tokyo – kind of! Take a look!”.


Miss. Bradley will provide a French task for you on Thursday.  Please submit it when you are done.

Numeracy: CLIC Targets

Counting: We will be looking at the number 25 in different ways (-25, 0.25, etc.)

Learn Its: The 2 and 3 times tables.

It’s Nothing New: Multiplying decimals by 100 and 1000.

Calculation: Addition and subtraction column sums to support our money work.

You will have tasks each day for this job.

Maths topic – There will be maths Topic tasks (money) but not every day.  There will be personal target tasks to do as well, these will be sent to the person who needs them.

Topic- Natural

See this week’s topic grid for info.

We will be learning all about sound and vibrations!


Term 3, Week 4

Hello everyone, well done to our Pupil of the Week Katarina!!

See below for next week’s grids and some examples of our class’s work for the week.

Happy Friday!

Home Learning Grid for next week:
Week 5: 08/02/2021 – 12/05/2021.

Abbotswell Primary School- P6

Literacy this week (you will use google docs and meets for these tasks):
Reading and Writing – We will be looking at Poetry: Free Verse and also doing some reading.

Monday: We will be reading and listening to some free verse and looking for things in them.

Tuesday: We will do some reading (Lewis Carroll poems) and task map quiz work.

Wednesday: We will work on speaking and listening by saying a free verse poem we have studied.

Thursday: You will have French literacy work to do.

Friday: We will write a free verse poem using our knowledge of free verse!

Spelling – On Mondays you will get your spelling words. On each day you should spend at least fifteen minutes learning your words. Each day there will be a spelling task, just like in class. There will be a test on Friday. Some of you will have Readingwise instead.

Numeracy: CLIC Targets
Counting: Partitioning 4dp numbers.
Learn Its: 8 and 9 times tables.
It’s Nothing New: Where’s Mully using 10 lots, smile multiplication and tables facts.
Calculation: 2 x 3 digit multiplication and showing our understanding of 2 x 2 digit multiplication.

You will have tasks each day for this job.

Maths topic – There will be maths Topic tasks (2d and 3d shapes) but not every day. This week we will look at parts of circles, triangles and shapes in our world.

Topic- Natural

We will be working on classification of living things, ecosystems, food webs and Venus for space.

Health and Wellbeing
Keep checking for online activities posted by Mrs. Forbes. These will be on Google Classroom throughout the week.

Mrs. Bradley has created a French task for you, it will be your Thursday literacy job. Please submit it when you are done.

Great Work of the Week:

Term 2, Week 6.


Hello all.

Pupil of the Week:

Firstly, well done to our pupil of the week for this week Jack Quinlan.  Jack demonstrated Abbotswell school values again and again this week by working independently, being motivated to meet and exceed his targets and caring for others.  Well done!


This week’s homework is on google classroom as usual.  The literacy work is spelling words which are tested every Friday.  Learners will receive a paper copy of these from me on Monday so they can take them home and do what they wish to do to learn them.  This could be copying them out each night, playing games with them or having someone quiz them on them.  All learners have a mix of words with a similar sound or letter (so that they are easier to remember and learn) and words that are tricky or that their class are misspelling in other lessons.

For numeracy the learners all have paper copies of the 11 and 12 times table to learn and if they have access to the internet at home they have challenges on both Sumdog and Education City apps/websites they can complete.  They should have taken home these passwords previously but please contact me if they are required again.

For Topic this week the learners have a quiz to complete as part of our “Showtime” termly topic.  This involves watching a video about dance and answering some questions on the google classroom.


This week in class we have continued to look at the “Showtime” topic that we will study until just after the Christmas break.  This topic includes many aspects of dance, music and performance as well as the scripting, editing, special effects etc. that support creative endeavours.  This week we have continued to write the scripts that will be filmed to create our “Newsround” style show to be shared with the school.


In literacy we have, as I mentioned above, been writing scripts.  These have included cast lists, lines, stage directions and scene settings.  The pupils have been very successful at adapting stories they know and this week have been working on a documentary format based on the previous terms learning about climates and the adaptations of animals and plants that live there.


In numeracy this week we have looked at patterns which we have adapted into “Chris – maths” activities.  Specifically, we have looked at triangle numbers, multiplication triangles (which have made good use of the pupil’s times tables and factor knowledge) and Pascal’s triangle.  Photos of some of the pupils working on this are below.


Our CLIC maths targets for next week are:

Counting: Saying 6-, 7- and 8-digit numbers. This means the pupils are learning to say, for example 99,999,999, as ninety-nine million, nine hundred and ninety-nine thousand, nine hundred and ninety-nine.  The general principle here is that the pupils must firstly know how to say a three-digit number and then it becomes a matter of reading this out but remembering what word goes in at the commas (for example thousand, million, etc.).


We will also be saying 4 decimal place numbers.  For example, 123.4567 as one hundred and twenty-three point four five six seven.  The principal here is knowing how to say what is in front of the decimal place then saying “point” and saying the numbers after the decimal place as individual numbers (four five six and not four hundred and fifty-six).

Learn its: The 11- and 12-times table (see homework).

It’s nothing new: Coin multiplication.  This uses the pupil’s knowledge of coins in the UK system to develop quick multiplication skills.  The young people have done this before with lesser amounts in previous years (times 5, 10, 20 etc.) but will now be working on a full card (times 2, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200).  As you may see this requires a knowledge of basic times tables (hence the constant revision), remembering some of the previous CLIC we have done (such as times ten) and also halving and doubling skills.  All of this enables the pupils to build the skills that allow them to do mental maths quickly using short cuts and understanding.

Calculation: I can solve any 1 decimal place plus 1 decimal place.  For example, 2.2 plus 2.2 = 4.4  This skill requires that pupils remember two things.  Firstly, that numbers move, the decimal place doesn’t, and secondly their previous approaches to addition as column methods can be useful here as they show the fixed nature of the place value system.  Problems here are usually caused by pupils not carrying forwards past the decimal point however I envision that we’ll all be able to do this, with many pushing further to 2, 3, 4dp sums as the week progresses.

I will also note here that the pupils as a group have made great progress so far in their Big Maths tests with many advancing to the next, and more challenging, levels.  Many of our learners will be promoted this week and although there are many transferable skills they can apply it will be challenging.  However, I’m very proud of the hard work they all put in and the enthusiasm they often have for pushing themselves harder.  I will have used Marvellous Me to let families know who is moving on, getting full marks etc.  For those who wish to get better I would recommend they use Sumdog or Education City where possible or speak to me about other things I can help with, such as practice Learn It sheets.

Other areas:

This week we have also been doing Christmas crafts (which will be brought home before the end of term), Anti – Vandalism posters (the winner in our ASG will be published and put up around Lochside ASG.  See some of our entries below) and our second PE lesson which all who participated in appeared to enjoy!  Friday was also Elf day and the staff dressed up to raise awareness of Alzheimer’s.

Mrs. Souter (the class PSA), fellow staff and I are aware that this is the season that families sometimes choose to show their appreciation for the school and school staff by giving gifts.  Given how hard this year has been for us all and the increased level of need this has created we (the school staff) are asking that families consider donating to the school’s foodbank partner CFINE instead of giving gifts to school staff.  Donations can be given to reception.

Thank you very much,


Term 2, Week 3.

Hello all.

Pupils of the Week:

Firstly, well done to our pupil of the week (and playground star of the week) for this week, Holly.  Holly showed several of our school aims this week particularly during a drama/Health and Wellbeing lesson where she acted the role of “sassy Suzie”.  During this Holly was motivated and successful at meeting the success criteria for the lesson.  Drama can be challenging for many, particularly with an audience, and Holly clearly felt safe and secure in committing to her performance.  Well done!


This week’s homework is on google classroom as usual.  The literacy work is spelling words which are tested every Friday.  Learners will receive a paper copy of these from me on Monday so they can take them home and do what they wish to to learn them.  This could be copying them out each night, playing games with them or having someone quiz them on them.  All learners have a mix of words with a similar sound or letter (so that they are easier to remember and learn) and words that are tricky or that their class are misspelling in other lessons (such as favourite this week).

For numeracy the learners all have paper copies of the 3 and 4 times table to learn and if they have access to the internet at home they have challenges on both Sumdog and Education City apps/websites they can complete.  They should have taken home these passwords previously but please contact me if they are required again.

For Topic this week the learners have a quiz to complete as part of our “Showtime” termly topic.  This involves watching a video about a dance choreographer and answering the attached quiz questions.


This week in class we have begun to look at the “Showtime” topic that we will study until just after the Christmas break.  This topic includes many aspects of dance, music and performance as well as the scripting, editing, special effects etc. that support creative endeavours.  This week we have completed a KWL grid as a class to identify things we know, things we would like to know and (at the end of the topic) things we have learned.  This helps to ensure some personalisation and participation in the design and planning of the lessons by the children whilst also being a useful assessment tool.

Showtime topic will be working towards the creation of a short assembly to be recorded and shared with other classes in the school.  Music, drama, performance and dance can be their own rewards as well has having a lot of cross-over possibilities in terms of effective reading, writing, presentation, emotional expression and physical fitness and wellbeing.  An example this week is the combination of a health and wellbeing lesson about supporting those who feel excluded and identifying ways that the learners can manage these emotions themselves.  The children were able to show their thinking and learning in this area by performing their ideas for their peers, who then assessed and provided feedback to them in areas like staying in character and whether the solutions were realistic or not.


In literacy we have begun a new topic this term that will cover surveys, interviews and personal letters.  This week we have taken a break from surveys to work on personal letters.  Although something of a lost art today letter writing encourages writers to think about how to effectively communicate with others in a way that doesn’t allow the instant editing or correction that text etc. allows while having applications outwith school such as writing emails.  Some examples of these letters are included.


In numeracy we are continuing to study data analysis and also patterns.  We have continued to track a science experiment into hand washing that we are conducting.

Our CLIC maths targets for this week were:

Counting: Counting in -1s.

Learn its: The 3 and 4 times tables (see homework).

It’s nothing new: Smile multiplication (multiplying tenths).

Calculation: Division using smile multiplication facts and in column format.


Our CLIC maths targets for next week are:

Counting: Counting along number lines that aren’t broken into scales.

Learn its: The 6 and 7 times table (see homework).

It’s nothing new: Multiplying and dividing 1 decimal place numbers by 10.

Calculation: Column (chimney sums) method subtraction with 3 digit numbers.



Thank you very much,


Term 2, Week 2.

Hello all.

Pupils of the Week:

Firstly, well done to our pupils of the week for last week and this.  Lyla is pupil of the week for last week for conducting an excellent survey and producing an interesting and comprehensive report on it.  This week Ben is pupil of the week for showing wonderful motivation to succeed, including by asking to try harder work and by applying himself to his tasks.  It is great to see our learners being so motivated and successful and challenging themselves to do their best!


This week’s homework is on google classroom as usual.  The literacy work is spelling words which are tested every Friday.  Learners will receive a paper copy of these from me on Monday so they can take them home and do what they wish to do to learn them.  This could be copying them out each night, playing games with them or having someone quiz them on them.  All learners have a mix of words with a similar sound or letter (so that they are easier to remember and learn) and words that are tricky or that their class are misspelling in other lessons (such as question or column this week).

For numeracy the learners all have paper copies of the 12 times table to learn and if they have access to the internet at home they have challenges on both Sumdog and Education City apps/websites they can complete.  They should have taken home these passwords previously but please contact me if they are required again.

For Topic this week the learners have a quiz to complete that will help us to structure our learning in the next topic, which will be “Showtime”.  Learners with no internet access will be able to contribute to this discussion in class.



This week in class we have been finishing up our wider topic – specifically we have been presenting our Climate presentations to the class.  Lots of interesting facts about different climates and how the animals and plants that live in them have adapted to do so were shared with the class by pupils.  We will finish our learning this week having looked at different maps (local, international, country income), human needs (fair trade, local communities, how our needs are met), climate (what different climates are there and how do plants, animals and people adapt to them), local land use, climate change, weather, and lots more.  Next we will be moving on to cover Showtime, more info on this next week.


In literacy we have begun a new topic this term that will cover surveys, interviews and personal letters.  This week and last we have created and analysed our own surveys about our own chosen subjects.  First we worked with one question, and presented our information in a bar graph and analysis, then we worked with several questions and just the analysis.  This week in writing we have also tried to focus on experimenting with punctuation, next week we will focus on something different.


In numeracy we are working on a new topic this term.  We are studying data analysis and also patterns.  We have already constructed our own bar charts (linked to the surveys in our literacy work) and have begun using line graphs to track a science experiment and our Friday Learn It maths tests.  In the attached photos you can see some of our learners doing their Learn It tests in class and also working outside to challenge each other with their number patterns.

Our CLIC maths targets for this week were:

Counting: Partitioning 2 and 3 decimal place numbers (they did so well we actually did a lot of 4dp and beyond numbers as well).

Learn its: The 12 times table (see homework).

It’s nothing new: Jigsaw numbers with 1 decimal place.

Calculation: Subtracting 2 digit numbers from 4 digit numbers.


Our CLIC maths targets for next week are:

Counting: Counting in -1s.

Learn its: The 4 times table (see homework).

It’s nothing new: Smile multiplication (multiplying tenths).

Calculation: Division using smile multiplication facts and in column format.


Thank you very much,



Term 1, Week 8.

Hello all.
Pupils of the Week:
Firstly, well done to our pupils of the week for last week and this. Daniella is the pupil of the week for last week for showing great resilience and confidence in starting a new school. Lee is pupil of the week this week for being motivated in his learning and doing great research into his biography subject, Cristiano Ronaldo. Well done to you both.
This week homework has begun again and the homework for the week is topic related. As we are studying climates and the plants, animals and people that live in them there is a video, some reading and a quiz here: https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/zxfrwmn/articles/zdcpscw Thank you to Ben for handing in your quiz results, 5 out of 5, well done!!!
Next week there will be spelling words, topic and some numeracy. This will all be online through google classroom but I will issue paper work where needed.
This week in class we have continued with our “wider” topic, looking at human needs and how they are met. Specifically we have explored how needs are met in our community and around the world. We have done a lot of map work this week, both exploring Aberdeen, discussing transport and looking at countries and climates around the world. We have begun to look at Fairtrade and next week we will further explore this.
In literacy we have continued to research and produce our biographies of our chosen famous person. This is also an opportunity to continue to self and peer assess our writing and improve these skills. We have also begun to practice the reading comprehension skills we will use when reading work begins after the holidays by examining short texts. This week and next we will look at some posters which are connected to our wider topic. Spelling work will begin next week following a spelling assessment this week.
In numeracy we are continuing with our measure, estimation and rounding work. I am very proud of the class for the application they have shown at this and I’m confident of seeing great improvements when we assess our learning next week.
Our CLIC maths targets for next week are:
Counting: Counting in fifths 1/5 .
Learn its: The 12 times table.
It’s nothing new: Jigsaw numbers up to 1000.
Calculation: Subtraction of numbers up to 1000.

Parent’s and Carer’s Wellbeing and Resilience Webinar
Our school community are currently doing work with Dr. John Paul Fitzpatrick on supporting wellbeing and resilience. As you can imagine, this is very relevant to the times we are living in. A session for parents and carers will be held online on Wednesday the 7th. The one with school staff was interesting and thought provoking and I am sure it will be worthwhile for those who join. A flyer is attached below.

Thank you very much,

Week 6 14/09/2020 – 18/09/2020

Hello all.

This week in Primary 6 we have continued to study measurement, beginning work on measuring weight.  We have been investigating and then using different sorts of scales including balance, bathroom/standing, digital and analogue kitchen, and spring balance/luggage scales.  We have been measuring in grams and kilograms and will continue to do so next week.

In writing we have begun to study and practice biographies and autobiographies.  There was some excellent writing in the class this week with many choosing to share theirs by reading it out to the class.  This helps others to “magpie” good ideas and reflect on their own work.  Some of our writers bravely chose to write about very emotional events and the class welcomed their stories with the respect they deserved.

Class jobs were given out this week and will be changed on a weekly basis.  One of these is class science officer.  As we had studied the water cycle previously the science officer assisted the class to plan an experiment to test if evaporation was real.  We’ll conduct similar experiments weekly so that the class gets used to the language of science and the concept of constructing a fair test.  Pictures of the science officer supporting the class with this experiment can be seen below.

Best wishes,

Mr. McCallum.

Week 5 07 – 11/09/2020

Hello all,

This week in Primary 6 we have been continuing to work on measurement.  Specifically we have been looking at converting centimetres to millimetres and measuring volume and capacity.  As you can see from the photos below the class were really enjoying the practical aspects of this.  I’m pleased to say that they have all shown lots of effort and progress in this area this week.

In literacy we have continued to study and write our own diary and journal entries.  We will shortly start to look at autobiographies.  We have also continued to read our current class novel, “A Series of Unfortunate Events” by Lemony Snicket.

This week we also sadly said goodbye to Conor as he has moved to a new school.  To give him a good send off we spent part of the afternoon on Wednesday having a small party and playing games.

Best wishes,

Mr. McCallum.

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