CLIC Targets

CLIC Targets for the week 31/05/2021:

C – Count Fourways: I can count in ¼s.

L – Review of 2x, 5x and 10x tables.

I – Coin Multiplication (Step 1): I can complete a 1, 10 card.
For example 32 x 1 = 32 and 32 x 10 = 320. I have attached a video link to help you but please remember that we are only doing the x1 and 10 calculations.

C – Division (Step 14): I can solve a division number sentence with objects.
Remember to set out the correct number in the starting pile. Know what size of smaller pile you are making. Then pull out smaller piles until the starting pile has all gone. Finally, count how many ‘lots of…’ there were.

You can practise these targets each day.