All posts by Mrs Duncan

Beach Trip

The tide times are perfect for our beach trip with a low tide expected at 9.35am!  We will see you all at the Fittie Public toilets at 10am.

The weather is looking good too with highs of 11’C and a slight wind.  Please wrap up warmly!

In the unlikely event that the trip needs to be cancelled a post will be uploaded on the Blog before 9am on Thursday.

Thank you.


Trip to Footdee Beach

We are looking forward to the trip next Thursday.  It looks like tide times will suit the trip times perfectly but please keep checking the blog until the trip.

Please could all children bring one filled water bottle with them on the trip.  Nursery will provide snack.  Children are welcome to bring their own buckets and spades – nursery will provide a small selection.

Open Day

Please take a moment to read the information that was typed by the older children in the school.

We look forward to welcoming you to our Open Day on Friday!

School will be open to visitors at the following times:

09.15 – 10.30


13.45 – 15.00

Adhering to these times will help us to manage registration, break and lunchtimes safely for your child/ren.

Visitors are asked to come in through the main entrance and make their way to the dining room, where you will be asked to sign in and take a visitor badge.  It would be appreciated if you arrived in school within the above times and not earlier.  Once you have signed in you are free to visit your child/ren in class.  The children are all looking forward to sharing their learning with you.  As you will appreciate, staff will not be available to discuss individual pupils at this time.

If you wish your child to accompany you to another area of the school, please ensure you sign them out on the sheet in the teaching area and sign them back in again.

Parent/carers wishing to take their children home at 3pm may do so, provided you make the Class Teacher aware of this and sign your child out.


We are looking for old white or black pillowcases or bed-sheets to make pirate sails and pirate flags.  We would be delighted for any donations of these items if you are no longer using them.

We are also looking for padlocks and keys in a variety of sizes and shapes.  We have been having lots of fun developing our problem solving skills by playing with the keys and padlocks in the construction area.

Thank you,

The Nursery team.


Website of the week

This week we have been enjoying playing ‘Phoneme Pop.’  This is a great website for developing early literacy skills.  Even if the children are not yet naming the letters, they are learning to match letter shapes.  Please remember to always use the letter sounds with your children rather than the letter names.  For example, use ‘ah’ instead of ‘ai’ for the letter ‘a’.

You can access the website by clicking here.

Climbing Adventures

We have not been using the garden this week as we are giving it time to recover from 80 pairs of jumping feet that have been sploshing and splashing in it recently! 🙂

This week we have been using the playground for outdoor play instead of the garden.  This has provided lots of wonderful opportunities for climbing challenges and taking risks.

Look at these cheeky climbing monkeys! 🙂




As part of our pirate topic we have been learning about maps and have shown a particular interest in drawing our own maps.  We have been using positional language when we describe our maps.  To develop this further we have been using the ‘BeeBot’ programmable robots.  We have to instruct the robots to go forwards, backwards, left or right by pressing different buttons.  We have been doing lots of tricky problems solving!


We were delighted to have Alec’s Grandma visit us for another singing session.  She played the piano for us and we sang and dance.  We all enjoyed the active focus of all of the songs! Please click on the links below to see videos of us in action.  A huge thank to Alec and his Grandma.

