All posts by Mrs Duncan

Nursery Garden Party

Please note the details of the nursery garden party.  This will take place on the afternoon of Tuesday 28th June 2016.  All pre-school children will only attend the party on this day.  They will not attend a morning nursery session on this day.  All ante-pre school children must attend the morning session on this day.  Bring your tissues and your camera! 🙂

Garden Party Agenda

Term 4 Snack Menu

Here is our new snack menu for this term.  We have used the ideas provided by the children and the parents.  Thank you for your suggestions.  We are having a lot of snacks that can be eaten outside this term.  This is to give the pre-school children an opportunity to try having snack in the playground like the big Primary 1’s, to allow us to have quick, easy snacks in the forest and (hopefully) to enable us to have lots of snacks in the sunshine. Term 4 for Blog


Recent Care Inspectorate Visit

We have received our report from the recent Care Inspectorate visit that we had in nursery. We are absolutely delighted to have been given a fantastic report.

You can find the report by clicking here.

You will see that the report is organised into four categories and we receive a grade for each category.  Our grades are as follows:

  • Quality of care and support: Excellent
  • Quality of Environment: Very good
  • Quality of staffing: Very Good
  • Quality of management and leadership: Very Good

The report clearly recognises the hard work that the wonderful nursery team do on  a daily basis with particular strengths in the nurturing, caring environment they provide.   They are a fantastic team to work with who genuinely adore being with your children.  A big thank you to Mrs Williams, Mrs Ogilvie, Mrs Gordon, Mrs Bartlett, Mrs Cook, Mrs Bedgood and Mrs Message.

Thank you,

Mrs Duncan

Letter fun

We have been showing an interest in letters in recent weeks.  We have been involved in playing a variety of games which help us to develop our letter recognition.  Many of us have also been experimenting with letters at the drawing table.  If your child is interested, you can encourage him/her to learn the letters in his/her name and point out these letters on road signs, restaurants, in books etc.  Please remember to use the letter sounds (ah) rather than the letter names (ai, bee, cee etc).



We continue to develop our skills in taking turns and talking to our friends.  This week we have been very interested in playing a shopping themed game which helped us develop our skills in turn-taking and talking and listening to our friends.  You can develop this skill at home by encouraging your child to play a variety of simple games with their friends, family and siblings.

Flying – am

Many of the morning children have shown an interest in flying objects.  Mrs Ogilvie led this group in a discussion to find out which area of flight they would like to find out more about. They used a talking tub to stimulate discussion and thinking.  It contained a variety of interest sounds, textures, pictures and objects related to flight.    It became very apparent that they were very interested in balloons, airplanes, space and maps.

Paper Airplanes

This week the afternoon children have shown an interest in making and flying paper airplanes.  They worked hard to create a range of airplanes at the drawing table and then experimented with making them fly in the nursery corridor.  This is an area we hope to develop with them further.   Please add any comments on the planning wall if you have any additional suggestions related to this topic.

Open Day Feedback

Please take a moment to read the feedback from parents and children following the open day.  Overall, feedback was extremely positive with the majority of parents listing, ‘seeing the fun activities,’ ‘seeing how they interact with other children,’ ‘visiting Primary 1,’ and ‘the welcoming staff’ as the most positive aspects of the day.  The children’s feedback showed that almost all children enjoyed the open day with most listing, ‘playing with mummy/daddy/granny’ as the best part of the day.

The majority of parents stated that the open day could not be improved with many stating, ‘it’s perfect!’  The few that did suggest improvements suggested less evaluations and more personal feedback as suggestions for future open days.  Please see the ‘You said, Our Response, Action’ table on the feedback below.

The feedback will also be displayed in nursery.  Thank you to all of those who took the time to offer feedback.  We continue to value your responses.

Children’s Feedback

My favourite bit was:

  • Playing with water and playdough
  • Showing mummy the arts and crafts
  • My family coming
  • Making an Easter card
  • Colouring
  • Sandpit
  • Drawing Easter bunnies
  • Going to school
  • That mum did the craft
  • My friends being funny
  • Mummies and daddies coming
  • Playing with Lego
  • Hugging mummy
  • Showing mummy and daddy the office
  • Showing my sister what I do at nursery
  • Going to P1
  • Showing mummy my lovely friends
  • Showing Grandma my nursery
  • Cars
  • Going through to the school
  • The baby frogs
  • Everything
  • Colouring with my sister

What could make the open day even better?

  • Cupcakes
  • Easter chocolate
  • If mummy came earlier
  • Singing a song
  • Eating sweeties
  • More hugging mummy!
  • It was a bit tiring
  • If my brother came (he chose not to)


Parent feedback for blog

open day you said we did