The nursery children who will be moving on into primary one after the holidays have been enjoying lots of visits to the primary one classrooms and to the playground recently.
The children are becoming more and more familiar with the school environment. They are becoming aware of where to find things like pegs, toilets and learning zones in the green unit. The children will also visit important places around the school (eg the school office, the janitor’s office, the computer suite, the studio and the gym hall).
During the next few weeks the children will be involved in creating a ‘talking thinking school book’. We will be using a talking tub containing objects from primary one to help to stimulate discussion and to encourage the children to ask questions about going to school. The ‘talking thinking school book’ will also contain children’s drawings, art work and photos of important places and people in the school. We also hope to organize some visits from the current primary one children. The primary one children will show the nursery children things like reading books, gym bags, packed lunches and examples of work. The primary one children will also be able to answer some of the questions from the nursery children.
The nursery children all seem to be very excited about moving on into primary one! Please ask any member of the nursery team if you have any questions about transition.
This has been great for Conor he is really enjoying the visits. It’s helping him get used to the change that is going to happen.