Category Archives: CLIC Targets

CLIC Targets – 06/12/2021

CLIC Targets for the week 06/12/2021:
C – Counting Along (Step 1): I can count along when the numbers are written in. Use a number line, ruler or other object with the numbers written in order. Count along the numbers.
L – Practise the facts of the 3x table up to 12 x 3. Try playing a game like Hit the Button!
I – Coin Multiplication (Step 2): I can complete a 1, 2, 5 and 10 card.
Remember to:
-find 10 lots (sets of) first
-double 1 lot (set of) to find 2 lots
-halve 10 lots (sets of) to find 5 lots
Try to complete a coin card for these numbers: 16, 12, 34, 41 and 22
C – Subtraction (Step 24): I know the total gap across a multiple of 10. For example, 84 – 77 = 7
Remember to:
-find the gap to the multiple of 10
-find the gap from the multiple of 10
-add the gaps carefully
Try these: 62 – 47 = __, 83 – 36 = __, 91 – 87 = __, 46 – 29 = __, 32 – 17 = __
Please note that some targets were covered last session. We are reviewing these for consolidation. You can practise these targets each day.

CLIC Targets – 29/11/2021

CLIC Targets for the week 29/11/2021:
C – Count Fourways: I can count in 20s, 200s, 2000s and 0.2s
Start at 0 and count on. Once you can do that easily, try counting back or try starting at a different number (2 for example) and count on.
L – Practise the facts of the 3x table up to 12 x 3. Try playing a game like Hit the Button so that you can get faster!
I – Fact Families (Step 4): I know the Fact Families for 1-digit x 1-digit facts. For example, 2 x 9 = 18, 9 x 2 = 18, 18 ÷ 2 = 9, 18 ÷ 9 = 2.
Remember to:
-copy the Learn It
-write the switcher
-bring the total to the front, change the symbol and write the 2 switchers
Try to write the fact families for these facts: 2 x 7 = 14; 3 x 4 = 12; 4 x 5 = 20
C – Subtraction (Step 23): I know the 1-digit gap from a multiple of 10.
Remember to:
-check the tens digits are both the same
-use the ones digit to see the gap
Please note that some targets were covered last session. We are reviewing these for consolidation. You can practise these targets each day.

CLIC Targets – 22/11/2021

CLIC Targets for the week 22/11/2021:
C – Counting Multiples (Step 4): I can count in 3s.
Start at 0 and count in 3s. Once you can do that easily, try counting back in 3s or try starting at a different number (2 for example) and count on in 3s.
L – Practise the facts of the 3x table up to 12 x 3. Try playing a game like Hit the Button to help you get faster!
I – Where’s Mully? (Step 1): I can find Mully using my tables.
Remember to use your table facts.
Try these: Mully is hiding behind the biggest multiple of 2 without going past 11. Mully is hiding behind the biggest multiple of 5 without going past 46. Mully is hiding behind the biggest multiple of 3 without going past 19.
C – Subtraction (Step 22): I know the gap to the next multiple of 10.
Remember to:
-look at the ones digit
-use your jigsaw numbers to 10 to say what the gap must be
Try these: 45 + __ = 50, 74 + __ = 80, 28 + __ = 30, 91 + __ = 100, 43 + __ = 50
Please note that some targets were covered last session. We are reviewing these for consolidation. You can practise these targets each day.

CLIC Targets – 15/11/2021

CLIC Targets for the week 15/11/2021:
C – CORE numbers (Step 3): I can understand 2-digit numbers.
Remember to:
-order the numbers by their tens digit
-then, if they have the same tens digit, order by the units digit
Put these in order from smallest to largest: 23, 41, 87, 83, 31, 07
L – Practise these facts: Please see Google Classroom for facts to learn.
I – Coin Multiplication (Step 2): I can complete a 1, 2, 5 and 10 card.
Remember to:
-find 10 lots (sets of) first
-double 1 lot (set of) to find 2 lots
-halve 10 lots (sets of) to find 5 lots
C – Addition (Step 23): I can add any 2-digit tens number to a 2-digit number. For example, 23 + 90 = 113
Remember to:
-partition the 2-digit number
-add the tens together
-add on the units
Try these: 45 + 70 = __, 32 + 80 = __, 76 + 40 = __, 82 + 70 = __, 67 + 80 = __
Please note that some targets were covered last session. We are reviewing these for consolidation. You can practise these targets each day.

CLIC Targets – 08/11/2021

CLIC Targets for the week 08/11/2021:
C – Squiggleworth (Step 2i): I can partition a 3-digit number.
Remember to:
-write the 3-digit number
-draw the sticks
-copy the units digit
-copy the tens digit and put a zero on the end
-copy the hundreds digit and put two zeroes on the end
Try these: 286, 598, 914, 407, 658
L – Practise these facts: Please see Google Classroom for facts to learn.
I – X10 & ÷10 (÷10 – Step 1): I can divide multiples of 10 by 10. For example, 130 ÷ 10 = 13
Remember to:
-take the zero off the units end
-remember that this moves the digits one place to the right
-remember that this makes the number 10 times smaller
Try these: 190 ÷ 10 = __, 340 ÷ 10 = __, 760 ÷ 10 = __,  230 ÷ 10 = __, 450 ÷ 10 = __,
C – Addition (Step 22): I can add a 2-digit tens number to a 2-digit number. For example, 23 + 40 = 63
Remember to:
-partition the 2-digit number
-add the tens together
-add on the units
Try these: 23 + 40 = __, 84 + 10 = __, 36 + 60 = __, 42 + 50 = __, 51 + 40 = __,
Please note that some targets were covered last session. We are reviewing these for consolidation. You can practise these targets each day.

CLIC Targets – 01/11/2021:

CLIC Targets for the week 01/11/2021:

C – Reading Numbers (Step 6): I can read 3-digit numbers.
Remember to:
– say the hundreds digit
– say ‘and’
– say the 2-digit number
Try these: 365, 791, 923, 307, 152, 905

L – Practise these facts: Please see Google Classroom for facts to learn.

I – X10 & ÷10 (x10 – Step 1): I can multiply whole numbers by 10. For example, 13 x 10 = 130
Remember to:
-place a zero on the units end
-remember that this moves the digits one place to the left
-remember that this makes the number 10 times bigger
Try these: 34 x 10 = __, 89 x 10 = __, 56 x 10 = __, 28 x 10 = __, 63 x 10 = __

C – Division (Step 17): I can use a tables fact to find a division fact with remainders. For example, 17 ÷ 5 =
Remember to use your Learn Its and Fact Families to give the answer then say the remainder.
Try these: 25 ÷ 2 = __, 19 ÷ 3 = __,  14 ÷ 5 = __,  20 ÷ 3 = __,  29 ÷ 5 = __

Please note that some targets were covered last session. We are reviewing these for consolidation. You can practise these targets each day.

CLIC Targets – 25/10/2021

CLIC Targets for the week 25/10/2021:

C – Counting Along (Step 1): I can count along when the numbers are written in. Use a number line, ruler or other object with the
numbers written in order.

L – Practise the facts of the 3x table up to 12 x 3.

I – Jigsaw Numbers (Step 3): I can find the missing piece to 100. For example, 54 + __ = 100
Remember to:
-make the units digits total 100
-make the tens digits total 9

C – Division (Step 16): I can use a tables fact to find a division fact. For example, 15 ÷ 5 =
Remember to use your Learn Its and Fact Families to give the answer.

Please note that some targets were covered last session. We are reviewing these for consolidation. You can practise your targets each day.

CLIC Targets – 04/10/2021

CLIC Targets for the week 04/10/2021:

C – Count Fourways: I can count in 20s, 200s, 2000s and 0.2s

L – Practise the facts of the 3x table up to 12 x 3. You can play Hit the Button to help you learn the facts!

I – Doubling and Halving: Halving (Step 3): I know half of 300, 500, 700, 900.
Learn that half of…
-300 is 150
-500 is 250
-700 is 350
-900 is 450

C – Multiplication (Step 9): I can solve 1 digit x 1 digit. For example, 4 x 2 =

You can practise these targets each day.

CLIC Targets – 27/09/2021

CLIC Targets for the week 27/09/2021:

C – Counting Multiples (Step 4): I can count in 3s.

L – Practise the facts of the 3x table up to 12 x 3. has a great selection of games, including Hit the Button. See the link below.

I – Doubling and Halving: Doubling with crossing 10s (Step 3): I can double 2-digit numbers.
Remember to:
-partition the 2-digit number
-double the tens
-double the units
-put them back together again

C – Subtraction (Step 21): I can count to the next multiple of 10 on a 100 square.
Remember to:
-find the 2-digit number
-count along the row 1 number at a time
-say what the total gap was

Please note that some targets were covered last session. We are reviewing these for consolidation. You can practise these targets each day.