All posts by Ms Dezall

Our Learning In Term 4

During Term 4, Primary 4 pupils will focus on the following:

Topic – World of Work followed by a pupil choice topic.

Maths – Money, time, measurement, angles, symmetry and transformation plus ongoing Big Maths.

Writing – Instructions and persuasive writing including headlines, competition entries, directions, timetables, experiments and blueprints.

Health and Wellbeing – Planning for choices and changes and substance misuse.

CLIC Targets – 18/04/2022

CLIC Targets for the week 18/04/2022:

C – Reading Numbers (Step 6): I can read 3-digit numbers.
Remember to:
– say the hundreds digit
– say ‘and’
– say the 2-digit number
Try these: 365, 791, 923, 307, 152, 905

L – Practise the facts of the 6x table up to 12 x 6. Try playing a game like Hit the Button to get faster!

I – Pim the Alien (Step 2): I can swap amounts.
For example, 2 tens + 3 tens = 5 tens is the same as 2 hundreds + 3 hundreds = 5 hundreds

C – Addition (Step 26): I can solve 3-digits + 2-digits. For example, 432 + 24 = 456
Remember to:
-park up the 100s
-solve the 2-digit add 2-digit question as before
-add the 100s back on
Try these: 372 + 16 = __, 231 + 46 = __, 842 + 54 = __, 901 + 76 = __, 652 + 34 = __

Please note that we have covered some of these targets before. We are reviewing these for consolidation. You can practise these targets each day.

CLIC Targets – 21/03/2022

CLIC Targets for the week 21/03/2022:

C – Counting Along (Step 2): I can count along even when the numbers aren’t written in. Use a number line, ruler or other object with the numbers written in order but with missing numbers.

L – Practise the facts of the 4x table up to 12 x 4. Try playing a game like Hit the Button to get faster!

I – Where’s Mully? (Step 2): I can find Mully using 10 lots (sets) and a tables fact.
Remember to:
-see 10 lots ‘jump out’ at you
-then use your table facts to find Mully.
Try these: Mully is hiding behind the biggest multiple of 4 without going past 57. Mully is hiding behind the biggest multiple of 5 without going past 76. Mully is hiding behind the biggest multiple of 3 without going past 45.

C – Subtraction (Column Method Step 2): I can solve a 2 digit – 2 digit including borrowing 10. For example: 76
– 48

Try these: 93 72 32 91 78
– 55 – 57 – 14 – 75 – 39

Please note that we have covered some of these targets before. We are reviewing these for consolidation. You can practise these targets each day

CLIC Targets – 14/03/2022

CLIC Targets for the week 14/03/2022:

C – Count Fourways: I can count in 1000s
Start at 0 and count in 1000s. Once you can do that easily, try counting back in 1000s or try starting at a different number (2 for example) and count on in 1000s.

L – Practise the facts of the 4x table up to 12 x 4. Try playing a game like Hit the Button to get faster!

I – Coin Multiplication (Step 3): I can complete a full coin card.
Remember to:
-do a 1, 2, 5 and 10 card
-find 20 lots by multiplying 2 lots by 10
-find 50 lots by multiplying 5 lots by 10
-find 100 lots by multiplying 10 lots by 10

C – Subtraction (Column Method Step 1): I can solve a 2 digit – 2 digit without borrowing 10. For example: 96
– 42

Try these: 97 78 36 89 78
– 85 – 67 – 14 – 75 – 52

Please note that we have covered some of these targets before. We are reviewing these for consolidation. You can practise these targets each day.

CLIC Targets – 07/03/2022

CLIC Targets for the week 07/03/2022:

C – Counting Multiples (Step 5): I can count in 4s.
Start at 0 and count in 4s. Once you can do that easily, try counting back in 4s or try starting at a different number (2 for example) and count on in 4s.

L – Practise the facts of the 4x table up to 12 x 4. Try playing a game like Hit the Button to get faster!

I – Smile Multiplication (Step 2): I can write Smile Multiplication tables. For example, 1 x 50 = 50, 2 x 50 = 100, 3 x 50 = 150 etc.
Remember that you are swapping units for tens:
-write out the first 10 multiples of the 1-digit number
-put a zero on the end of each one

C – Addition (Column Method Step 2): I can solve any 2 digit + 2 digit including crossing 10. For example: 76

Try these: 27 56 36 87 78
+85 +67 +96 +75 +57

Please note that we have covered some of these targets before. We are reviewing these for consolidation. You can practise these targets each day.

CLIC Targets – 28/02/2022

CLIC Targets for the week 28/02/2022:

C – Squiggleworth (Step 2i): I can partition a 3-digit number.
Remember to:
-write the 3-digit number
-draw the sticks
-copy the units digit
-copy the tens digit and put a zero on the end
-copy the hundreds digit and put two zeroes on the end
Try these: 286, 598, 914, 407, 658

L – Practise these facts: Please see Google Classroom for facts to learn.

I – Smile Multiplication (Step 1): I can multiply multiples of 10. For example, 3 x 50 = 150
Remember that you are swapping units for tens:
-do the tables bit
-count the zeros in the question
-put the zeros on your answer
Try these: 4 x 40 = __, 5 x 60 = __, 3 x 20 = __, 5 x 90 = __, 4 x 80 = __

C – Addition (Column Method Step 1): I can solve a 2 digit + 2 digit without crossing 10. For example: 36 + 42 = 78

Try these: 24+35 = __,  56+23 = __,  31+46 = __,  83+15 = __, 72+27 = __

Please note that we have covered some of these targets before. We are reviewing these for consolidation. You can practise these targets each day.