CLIC Targets for the week 30/05/2022:
C – Count Fourways: I can count in 1/10 s and 0.1s.
L – Practise these facts: Please see the attached screen shot for facts to learn.
I – Doubling and Halving: Halving (Step 3): I know half of 300, 500, 700, 900.
Learn that half of…
-300 is 150
-500 is 250
-700 is 350
-900 is 450
C – Subtraction (Column Method Step 4): I can solve a 3 digit – 2 digit including borrowing 10. For example: 476
– 48
Try these: 443 632 712 251 428
– 55 – 57 – 14 – 75 – 39
Please note that we have covered some of these targets before. We are reviewing these for consolidation. You can practise these targets each day.