CLIC Targets for the week 10/01/2022:
C – Reading Numbers (Step 6): I can read 3-digit numbers.
Remember to:
– say the hundreds digit
– say ‘and’
– say the 2-digit number
Try these: 365, 791, 923, 307, 152, 905
L – Practise the facts of the 4x table up to 12 x 4. Try playing a game like Hit the Button to get faster!
I – Doubling with Pim Without Crossing 10 (Step 4): I can double 3-digit multiples of 100.
Learn that double…
-100 is 200
-200 is 400
-300 is 600
-400 is 800
C – Addition (Step 24): I can add a 2-digit number to a 2-digit number. For example, 43 + 52 = 95
Remember to:
-partition the numbers
-write out the 2 new questions
-add the tens
-add the units
-add the units answer to the tens answer
Try these: 33 + 26 = __, 72 + 21 = __, 47 + 31 = __, 66 + 22 = __, 83 + 15 = __
Please note that we have covered some of these targets before. We are reviewing these for consolidation. You can practise these targets each day.