CLIC Targets for the week 25/10/2021:
C – Counting Along (Step 1): I can count along when the numbers are written in. Use a number line, ruler or other object with the
numbers written in order.
L – Practise the facts of the 3x table up to 12 x 3.
I – Jigsaw Numbers (Step 3): I can find the missing piece to 100. For example, 54 + __ = 100
Remember to:
-make the units digits total 100
-make the tens digits total 9
C – Division (Step 16): I can use a tables fact to find a division fact. For example, 15 ÷ 5 =
Remember to use your Learn Its and Fact Families to give the answer.
Please note that some targets were covered last session. We are reviewing these for consolidation. You can practise your targets each day.