All posts by Mrs Will

Library Visit

Many thanks to the parent helpers who joined us on our visit to the library. We had a great time listening to the 3 stories that have been selected for The Book Awards and then got to choose our own books to take back with us.

Exploring Texture

In Science we have been exploring texture using a range of different materials. Lots of interesting words, such as ‘shiny, rough, bumpy, stretchy, smooth, fluffy, soft and hard’ were being used to describe what textures we were feeling.

Week beginning 21.11.12


The plans for this week are as follows:

Reading – Your child will receive a new reading book on Monday and Thursday. It would be extremely helpful if you could work with your child for a short time each night.

Common Words – so and has. Homework will be given out on Monday and should be completed for the Thursday. Please see your child’s ‘Common Word Book’ for more information.

Phonics – This week we will be introducing the f and b sounds. Please complete the sound activities in the Home School for Wednesday and Friday. We will continue to do a variety of word making activities in class so please reinforce this at home by using the sounds in their Home/School envelope to make simple 3 letter words e.g. fat, nip, bat.

Maths – Practising correct number formation and continuing practical addition using the + symbol.

We have begun learning our songs for the Christmas Concert so we hope your child/children are getting excited about their forthcoming performance.

Can You Help?


Room 1 and Room 2 will be visiting Kincorth Library this Tuesday afternoon, between 2pm-3pm. If you are able to come with us as an adult helper, please comment below or speak to Mrs Will.

Thank You

Week Beginning 7.11.16


Mrs Will is out of school on Monday so Miss Lesley will be in class all day.

The children will be visited by the SSPCA on Thursday.

Please continue to check bookbags every night and remove any notes, small sound booklets and letters from the office.

Reading – Your child will receive a new reading book on Monday and Thursday. It would be extremely helpful if you could work with your child for a short time each night.

Common Words – his and her. Homework will be given out on Monday and should be completed for the Thursday. Please see your child’s ‘Common Word Book’ for more information.

Phonics – This week we will be introducing the g and o sound. Please complete the sound activities in the Home School for Wednesday and Friday.  We will continue to do a variety of word making activities in class so please reinforce this at home by using the sounds in their Home/School envelope to make simple 3 letter words e.g. cat, nip, hat.

Maths – Continuing to use correct number formation 1 – 10 and introducing simple addition using practical materials.

A Quick Check – Can You See This?


We update our class blog throughout the week with photos, information and plans. We are continuing to use it as one of the main tools to help ensure we maintain close links between home and school.

If you are using it, please leave a comment (with your child’s name) by clicking on the ‘Leave a Comment’ tab below.  If there are any suggestions on how it can be adapted/improved, please let us know. All ideas would be gratefully received.

Thank you

Autumn Art

Using our leaves that we collected from the playground, we made hedgehog pictures, Autumn tree collages, created leaf confetti, practised leaf rubbings and traced around the different leaf shapes.

Week beginning 31.10.16


Please continue to check bookbags every night and remove any notes, small sound booklets and letters from the office.

Reading – Your child will receive a new reading book on Monday and Thursday. It would be extremely helpful if you could work with your child for a short time each night.

Common Words – did and him. Homework will be given out on Monday and should be completed for the Thursday. Please see your child’s ‘Common Word Book’ for more information.

Phonics – This week we will be revisiting the last 6 sounds taught, these being c, e, h, r, m and d.  Lots of activities focussed on recognising, writing and using the sounds to make 3-letter words will be done this week. We will be doing a variety of word making activities in class and there will be a homework task stuck into the pink Home/School Book for you to work on with your child.

Maths – Revision of correct number formation 1 – 9. Counting, ordering and working with numbers to 10.

Autumn Fun

We have seen a big change in our playground with the arrival of Autumn. Using masking tape, good looking skills and teamwork, we went out to search for signs of Autumn. What a fun time we had!