All posts by Mrs Will

Super Science

Pwe have been learning about the sound x, so begn to explores x-rays. After lots of interest in bones, we decided to do a mini topic about our skeleton and have been learning lots about our bodies with the help of Mr Bones.

Week Beginning 9.01.17

back to school

Happy New Year!

Welcome back to term 3 – we hope you had an enjoyable Christmas break and are feeling refreshed for the year ahead!

The plans for this week are as follows:

Reading – Your child will receive a new reading book on Monday and Thursday. It would be extremely helpful if you could work with your child for a short time each night.

Common Words – if and of. Homework will be given out on Monday and should be completed for the Thursday. Please see your child’s ‘Common Word Book’ for more information.

Phonics – This week we will be introducing x and z. There will be sound homework due in for Wednesday and Friday in their home/school books.

Maths – Addition to 5 including learning the addition facts for 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5.

A wee reminder that gym day is a Thursday. A few children still require gym kit. Please check if you are unsure whether or not your child still has gym clothes in school.

We start the term doing a whole school topic about Scotland.  If you have anything Scottish at home and would be happy to share these with us for our display, please send them in.

Our Christmas Party


Our Christmas party will be on Wednesday afternoon. There are a few options for what to do about party clothes.

The first option is that your child goes home for lunch and returns to school in all their finery for the party!

The second option is to put a whole change of clothes into school. Can we please ask that the outfit is not too complicated and that it is something the children are pretty much able to put on independently. No tights please. There is very little time to get changed and often only one adult in the classroom to help with dressing.

We are looking forward to a fun filled afternoon with Santa, games and part food. We hope they are not too excitable when it’s home time!!

Week beginning 19.12.16


This is the last week before the school closes to pupils for the Christmas holidays.  We’ve had a super busy and enjoyable time this term and are very proud of all the children’s achievements.  They certainly deserve a well earned break!

I’m sure you will agree that the children were outstanding at their concerts on Tuesday and Wednesday. Thank you for your support and helping them with their songs.

On Tuesday afternoon we will be visiting Kincorth Library with Room 2. If you are able to come along as a parent helper between 2pm and 3pm, please leave a comment below or let Mrs Will know.

On Wednesday afternoon, all the Primary 1s will have their Christmas Party. Please read the other post for more details.

The Church Service will be on Friday at 9.30am. All are welcome.

Monday will be the last day that reading books will be going home.  They will all be collected in at the end of the week.

Common Words – There will be no formal common word homework this week, but please continue to revisit the ones we have covered so far and practise them over the holidays. We will complete the common word assessments this week and use these to help us re-group the children ready for term 3.

Phonics – This week we will be introducing the sound w. You will find the sound activity in the Home School books on Monday and these should be completed for Wednesday.

Maths – Practice and consolidation of the number stories to 5 and addition to 10.

School will finish at 3pm this Friday and we return to school on Monday 9th January 2017.

Could we just take this opportunity to thank you for all your support this year and we look forward to seeing you on Monday 9th January 2017!





The children who have had their consent slips returned to school will get their flu vaccination carried out on Wednesday and will get their P1 screening of height and weight done on Friday.

Open Afternoon


Just a reminder that you are all warmly invited to our school open afternoon this Wednesday, 3pm-4pm.  You will have the opportunity to look around the classroom, explore your child’s folders and buy some tasty treats made by everyone in Room 1.

Week beginning 5.12.16


The plans for this week are as follows:

Reading – Your child will receive a new reading book on Monday and Thursday. It would be extremely helpful if you could work with your child for a short time each night.

Common Words – on and all. Homework will be given out on Monday and should be completed for the Thursday. Please see your child’s ‘Common Word Book’ for more information.

Phonics – This week we will be introducing j and y. There will be sound homework due in for Wednesday and Friday in their home/school books.

Maths – Addition to 5 including learning the addition facts for 4 and 5.

We are continuing to learn our songs for the Christmas Concert. We hope your child/children are getting excited about their forthcoming performance and have been keen to give you a sneak preview of some of the great songs they are practising!

A wee reminder that gym day is a Thursday. A few children still require gym kit. Please check if you are unsure whether or not your child still has gym clothes in school. It has been known for them to be worn home by mistake!!