Homework for 28.1.19

Spelling – “Pyramid write” your spelling words.  You must write neatly!

Literacy Prepositions sentences. Write these in your homework jotter.

Research ProjectResearch a Scottish scientist, engineer or inventor. Over the upcoming weeks, you will research different things about your chosen person and then present your final project as a poster or powerpoint. This week you must:

  • Select a person to research about
  • Research basic facts about the person such as date of birth, date of death (if no longer living), where they come from.

There is no need to physically hand anything to school this week. Keep what you find in a safe place (handwritten or electronic) so you can continue your research next week. The final deadline will be in February, tbc.

Scots VersesChoose one of the poems, learn it and continue to practise reciting it at home. Everyone will recite their poem for the class.

Week beginning 17.12.18

Dear Parents/Guardians

It has been an exciting week with the panto, the winter craft sale and the coming Christmas party we are excited about what we are going to do with £127.45 it is a lot of money acquired by parents and children. Finally a child has reached 70 dojos allowing them to get laptops at lunchtime another thing that has happened is the other class got over £180. On Monday we made biscuits as well as baubles we also had a competitive Christmas quiz.

By Lorcan and Absar


Back in Business – The Conclusion

It’s been a very busy couple of weeks, but our Back in Business project was a massive success. Thank you to everyone who has supported the project, whether it was by providing things from home or by coming and buying the products the pupils had made at the fair. A big well done to everyone for working so hard. All the companies made a profit and together the class made £127.45. Now we just need to decide how exactly the money will be spent after the holidays!

Back in Business

This term our topic is “Back in Business”. Within this topic, pupils have each taken on a role in setting up and running a small enterprise and will evaluate its success.

Pupils created their own groups and brainstormed ideas of a Christmas or Winter craft that they would be able to make and sell. Once groups and product ideas had been settled, it was time to decide who would perform each role. Each group had to have a person or persons in the following positions:

  • Finance Director
  • Marketing Director
  • Design Director
  • ICT Director
  • Director in charge of Stock and Quality Control

To decide which role would be given to each pupil, and to learn about real life hiring processes, each pupil completed their own job application for their preferred role. If there was more than one candidate competing for the same position, then application process continued to the interview stage.  The standards were very high!

Throughout this topic, the pupils have been investigating ways to meet this challenge of creating and developing products that they can make to a high enough standard to sell. They have continually assessing their ideas along the way, and have identified problems and come up with solutions.

They are all very excited to showcase their products. We will finish the unit by evaluating each group’s and individual successes and areas to improvement and reflect on the real world applications of the skills they have learned.

Christmas Concert Song Words

We Three Kings

We three kings of Orient are
Bearing gifts we traverse afar
Field and fountain, moor and mountain
Following yonder star

O Star of wonder, star of night
Star with royal beauty bright
Westward leading, still proceeding
Guide us to thy Perfect Light

Born a King on Bethlehem’s plain
Gold I bring to crown Him again
King forever, ceasing never
Over us all to reign

O Star of wonder, star of night
Star with royal beauty bright
Westward leading, still proceeding
Guide us to Thy perfect light

Frankincense to offer have I
Incense owns a Deity nigh
Prayer and praising, all men raising
Worship Him, God most high

O Star of wonder, star of night
Star with royal beauty bright
Westward leading, still proceeding
Guide us to Thy perfect light

Myrrh is mine, its bitter perfume
Breathes of life of gathering gloom
Sorrowing, sighing, bleeding, dying
Sealed in the stone-cold tomb

O Star of wonder, star of night
Star with royal beauty bright
Westward leading, still proceeding
Guide us to Thy perfect light


Dear Santa

Dear Santa, dear Santa,
What would I like?
I think I’ll start with a shiny new bike,
‘Cause I’ve been good,
You knew I would,
I’ve been a little dear all year!

Dear Santa, dear Santa,
What would I like?
New trainers, smart trainers, purple and white
‘Cause I’ve been good
You knew I would
I’ve been a little dear all year!

Dear Santa, dear Santa,
What would I like?
A nice tennis racket, a ball and a kite
‘Cause I’ve been good
You knew I would
I’ve been a little dear all year!

Dear Santa, dear Santa,
What would I like?
Some orange and yellow socks that look nice and bright
‘Cause I’ve been good
You knew I would
I’ve been a little dear all year!

Dear Santa, dear Santa,
What would I like?
Please could you make sure you give me the bike?
‘Cause I’ve been good
You knew I would
I’ve been a little dear all year!

Homework for 10.12.18

Spelling – Learn spelling words using a method of your choice. Choose a method that you think will be the best to help you learn the words.

Maths – Practise identifying the different properties of 3D shapes and escape the Roboidz and Shades in this game https://www.topmarks.co.uk/Flash.aspx?a=activity20

ICT – OPTIONAL EXTRA. Practise logging onto Google Classroom from home and complete an extra task. If you are having difficulty logging in, see Miss McCormick for username and password help.

Christmas Show – Learn the words and actions for both songs, ‘Dear Santa’ and ‘We Three Kings’, off by heart. We kindly request pupils bring in the following items for their costume in a clearly named bag as soon as possible in time for the first dress rehearsal.
• Red top, shirt or dress
• Jeans (or navy tights if wearing a dress)
• Santa hat if you have one at home

November Update

Dear Mums and Dads

We have Christmas performances for P4-7 on Wednesday 12th at 9.30am and Thursday 13th December at 9.30am.

In PE with Miss McCormick we were doing Dodgeball and Fitness with Miss Macrae. We did the bleep test as well.

In Topic we are putting on a mini ‘Grow A Fiver’. Mums and Dads are welcome. Our topic is business and we’ve thought of a good name for it: “Back in Business”. We all voted on it and we all think it is really cool.

Have a look at some pictures of what we have been doing in class.

From P5M

(Written by Niamh and Arwen)



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