Week beginning 01.10.18

A great start!

We had the best start to our week as on Monday morning we won assembly star at the Infant Assembly. Miss Mackay said that we all sat so beautifully and that we gave very good answers during assembly. Here we are with our trophy!


Miss Hamilton was back this week so we had singing again on Monday. We were doing some fun action songs where we had to stick out our tongues again and we were also singing some songs relating to our topic of Our Caring World and Wall-E. We sang a song about remembering to turn off the lights and also the Recycling Rap! We have been learning about keeping a beat and rhythm.

Autumn Writing

This week we did some amazing Autumn descriptions. We had to apply all of our learning so far and try and use a simile and even some alliteration and WOW words! Miss Dow was SO impressed and keeps telling us how well we have done. To get us thinking about Autumn we also went out into the playground and had to collect some leaves that we will be using later in class too.


This week in spelling we have been discussing our spelling rules and thinking of other words that use the same sound. We then had to play a spelling game where we had to spell out our words in different voices. These included a grumpy teacher voice, an alien voice and even an opera voice!

Go Noodle

This week we have been talking about breathing and using our breathing when we are starting to get annoyed or frustrated or when we just need to just focus a bit more on our work. We used some of the videos on Go Noodle to practise ‘bee breathing’ and also counting whilst we take deep breaths. We thought that these were good ideas to use if we are starting to get a bit worried or feeling angry about something. Every time we complete 10 activities, our Go Noodle character transforms and grows into a new character. We always love when this happens and we like to cheer when the new character appears.


The Pentagons and Squares have been working with fractions this week and comparing fractions using a fraction wall.

The Semi-Circles have been working on whole number (partitioning and addition).

The Triangles have been working on addition with multiples of 10 and 100.

Wall-E Topic

Wall-E was busy again over the weekend and set us new challenges at our play zones. On our writing table we have had to think of and draw different objects that we can recycle. On our construction table we have had to create a machine/object to help us recycle. In the wet area he wanted us to design a friend to help him with his job. He also set us a spelling challenge a bit like Countdown where we have to spell as many words as we can using only the letters he left for us.

We have also been talking a bit more about RECYCLING this week. We have spoken about the different sorts of materials that we can recycle like paper, plastic and glass. We wanted to see what happens to these materials when they are collected by the lorries so Miss Dow found some videos for us to watch. We saw that the materials are emptied from the lorry before being sorted and being put on a conveyer belt. People or machines then have to pick out any ‘bad’ pieces of material that do not recycle before being sold on our being made into new items.

We then had to work with a partner to design a robot to help with recycling. (photos by Logan)

As a class we came up with our own success criteria which Miss Dow wrote on the board and these were our targets that our robot had to be able to do to be successful.

Gym with Miss Macrae

In gym we have been working on our football skills. We have been working on our passing (Rebecca) and our kicking (Alex).


Rebecca – We have been working on our passing.

Alex -and our kicking.

Oscar – We have also been dribbling.

Grace – We have been trying to kick faster so that other players can’t get the ball.

Pippa – We have been working on our dribbling.

Tylar – We have to use the inside of our foot.

Conor – We have been practising to intercept. This means that one player must pass the ball to another player and if you are quick enough you can swoop in and try and get the ball before it gets to another player.

Ross – Do not kick the ball with your toes.

Jamie – We have to keep the ball on the ground.

Callum – Sometimes you can use the outside of your feet but not your toes.

Sophie – We have been keeping control of the ball whilst we have been dribbling.

(photos by Luca)


10 thoughts on “Week beginning 01.10.18”

  1. The blog is super, thank you for taking the time to put up all this info, it is lovely to see all the photos too. Looks like it has been a busy term so far- Eilidh really enjoyed writing the autumn poem this week and has loved Wal-E the robot’s antics!

  2. Oh me oh my I can’t keep up with all the learning…. I am asking Mrs Johnstone if I can come back to school!! 😂
    So much going on and such fun… wee Closey’s coming in telling me about Wall E and his escapades… maths and fractions (we have our really helpful fractions sheet on wall)
    We have now got sumdog and go noodle on our I pad and phone! So will be practicing our numbers and dance moves👍🏻

  3. Oh… and as requested in homework jotter… my idea … send wall e home with a kid and on his return to class he has to tell what the person done at home to reduce, re-use or recycle?
    When I pitched it to Conor he said, “we should already be doing that at home Mum” in a mwah sounding voice…😂😩 so clearly my idea was not as good as I thought!!!

    1. Hello,

      We use my login so you would have to create your own login with your email if you would like to do Go Noodle at home. Thanks, Miss Dow.

  4. Lol… Wall-E has generated much discussion between the children Miss D. How exciting to have him go to new places …. see new things and make mischief memories. Conor was delighted to take Wall-E to Beavers last night. It also encouraged Conor to be responsible for taking care of him and him returning to class.
    Brilliant fun😊👍🏻

  5. I am enjoying catching up on what Oscar has been doing at school each week, (I don’t hear much but I do hear what Wall E’s been up to).

    Thank you for finding time to keep it so thorough and up to date! Much appreciated!

  6. Fantastic blog! Great work Miss Dow, thank you so much for sharing. Wall-E has certainly been a big hit. Wishing you a relaxing October break. Look forward to more excitement next term 😀👍

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