Week beginning 18.02.19


Our new maths topic we have been looking at this week was shape. Some of us were revising 2D shapes and some of us were learning about 3D shapes. We have been playing a lot of games to consolidate our learning and we have had a big focus on looking at our maths success criteria for the lesson and traffic lighting to evaluate our learning and understanding of the lessons.


We have been trying to find the time to fit in some GoNoodle this week!

Science – Human Body

Did you know we have 2 lungs and one is slightly bigger than the other? Did you know that when we breathe in we get oxygen and we get rid of carbon dioxide? Our organs are very important and we need them to survive. We were FANTASTIC and learned lots and lots of interesting facts about the lungs and how the lungs work to help us breathe. This is the second organ of the human body we have been learning about after previously learning about the heart. We listened to some songs (slightly annoying but very memorable!) to learn about the lungs…

‘breathe in.. lungs get bigger..

breathe out.. lungs get smaller!’


We took big breaths in and out to try and test this. We then took part in a quiz where we had to predict if a statement was true or false. We voted to show our answers before finding out if we were correct or not.

Topic – Castles Junk Modelling

Our challenge was to create a junk model castle whilst applying our prior learning of castles and some of the parts that a lot of castles would have – moat, drawbridge, arrow slits, battlements etc. In order to do this we had to work well together as a team and keep checking back to the success criteria to ensure that our models were successful. When we were finished we had some more time to add characters and a little bit more detail. We had lots of fun applying our knowledge and cooperative skills.


There were lots of small badminton games going on in gym this week. A lot of us are being very kind and encouraging to others and have been using positive language and praising each other when we do well. We have all progressed a lot since the start of the block.

Golden Time

The Blue Unit started a new system for Golden Time this week. Every teacher in the unit is holding a different activity in their classroom/outside and each class gets a few spaces in each activity so that children can choose and sign up to a wider choice of organised activities. In our class we are going to try having different tables signing up first each week to try and keep it very fair and so that everyone is being treated equally. If we are some of the last tables to sign up one week, we will be one of the first the following week and so on. This seems to be working better – lots of happy children at the end of Friday. Activities will change every few weeks.

Week beginning 14.02.19

I hope everyone had a lovely long weekend 🙂


We have been continuing to work on our joined handwriting. We’ve been discussing the fact that we need to keep practising in order to become good at using joined writing and that it’s ok to find it tricky until we get better at it. We must be positive! We are also having to think about how single letters are formed to ensure that we are joining correctly.


We have been using the ActiveLearn website this week to do some active maths games. We will be taking our logins home next week and sometimes we will have games set for our homework to complete. The games have levels to work through and you collect points in every game. We were working on sequencing, addition, subtraction and other areas of number.

We also played a game on Topmarks where we had to shoot odd or even coconuts. A lot of us are finding this tricky so it might be an idea to have a go at home! We spoke about numbers being in the 2 times table or when we count in 2s being even and numbers ending in 1,3,5,7,9 are odd.



We have been working on spelling our common words and applying spelling rules to write and spell words correctly. We took part in spelling activities – we have been doing a lot of active learning this week which we have enjoyed.


We go to library every Friday. We have class library helpers each week that help with the scanning and issuing of books.

Valentines Day

We were learning the story behind why we celebrate Valentines Day. There was a priest called Valentine and he married couples in secret as the Emperor forbade people to get married so that they would join his army. It is believed that Valentine managed to perform a miracle and cure a blind girl. On the day that he died, he wrote a letter to the girl and signed it ‘Your Valentine.’ Some people believe this is why we celebrate Valentines Day today. We then made 3D hearts.

Health and Wellbeing

We have been learning about empathy and ‘the maze’ through watching the following videos on ClassDojo. We have been sharing our own experiences and asking lots of good questions!





After the long weekend we will be making junk model castles.

Please bring in any junk you have at home ready to make castles on Monday 18th February.

Enjoy the long weekend! 🙂

Week beginning 04.02.19

**Star of the Week**

Our star of the week from last week was Lena! Lena has been working considerably hard on her writing, maths and reading and has shown big improvement since the start of the year.

Tylar was star of the week for this week for working really hard and getting all of her jobs finished.


This week we have all been learning about how to find the area of a shape. We know that area is measured in cm squared. We know that two shapes can be different but may still have the same area. We have been calculating area of given shapes as well as creating our own shapes of a certain area.  We have also had a little look at using half squares and counting 2 half squares to make a whole square.

Health – Internet Safety Day

On Tuesday it was Internet Safety Day. This worked well since we have Circle Time on a Tuesday. We spoke about what we use the internet for at home and spoke about websites, xbox live and other ways we use the internet. We watched some short videos of ‘Hector’s World’ which highlighted the importance of not sharing personal details with anyone online.  We also spoke about not using our proper name on online games and not chatting to strangers.



We then used our knowledge of keeping safe online to create posters in small groups. Each group had a different focus for their poster and they will all get added together to make one big ‘Staying Safe on the Internet’ poster.


Since we were learning about parts of a castle last week, we have been applying that knowledge this week in order to design our own castles. We are going to work as a group and use junk to build our castle. As a class we decided on our success criteria and what we thought every castle needed to have. We will be using our plans to build our castles after the long weekend.

Play Zones

Miss Dow did a revamp of our play zones after we went home on Friday. The play zones now tie in with what we have been learning, for example, we have a castle to build, castle booking forms and tickets at the writing area and skeletons to build. We have been enjoying the new activities this week.

Curriculum for Excellence

We have also been learning this week about the 4 Capacities. Through all of our school experiences, we should be becoming 4 things:

Successful Learners

Confident Individuals

Responsible Citizens

Effective Contributors

We discussed what each of these mean and thought of some examples. We then had to fill in a table with some examples relevant and specific to us. This worksheet is in our learning journeys.

Learning Journeys

We have taken our learning journeys home this week. Please feel free to look at the new pieces of work and leave any positive feedback on our work. Add in any out of school achievements. Please sign the learning journey to show you have seen it and return it to school after the long weekend please 🙂


We have been focussing on badminton. We have been improving our serves, playing around the world and having rallies which have been lots of fun!

Week Beginning 28.01.19

**Star of the Week**

Well done to Grace who wrote an excellent letter of complaint using strong language and thoughts and feelings towards the company.


This week we went back to basics and recapped capital letters and full stops. We know that we should be using a capital letter at the beginning of every new sentence and for any names of people or places. We know that full stops come at the end of a sentence. We discussed that a sentence is a group of words that makes sense together and doesn’t stop abruptly. We had to listen to some words and decide if it was a sentence or not. We then had to complete a worksheet filling in the missing capitals and full stops before doing a little bit of our own writing with the focus being on capitals and full stops. This is going to be our main focus in writing next week too.


We had to copy out our words and try and get the spellings into our memories. We discussed each sound for this week and the definitions of any unknown words.


We have been continuing to learn about measurement with a focus on volume. We have been learning to read and use scales (such as measuring jugs) and we learned that even though containers may be different, they can still hold an equal volume of liquid. We experimented and had to think about how many of each small container we thought would fit into the litre container. We were surprised at how much water 1 litre was.

Topic – Castles

We were thinking about historical timelines this week. We know that timelines are always in chronological order. We spoke about the year 0 and the meanings of BC and AD. We then had to work as a team to place historical events in the correct order, imagining they were on a timeline. For homework we are going to be creating our own personal timeline choosing a few events from our lives.

We also learned about the different parts of a castle. We learned why castles had to have defense systems in place to protect themselves from enemies attacking them. We had to get into small groups to show how the draw bridge would work at a castle.

Science – Human Body

We have moved on from the bones this week and are starting to think about important organs. This week we were learning about the heart. We know that the heart is an organ and a muscle. We know that it has 4 chambers and it pumps blood to all parts of the body. We are trying to remember that veins take blood to the heart and arteries take blood away from the heart. We were able to decide activities that help to keep a heart healthy and activities that can be bad for the heart.

We spent a long time discussing how important the heart is and how it works. We watched the following video to reinforce this..



Health & Wellbeing

Circle Time

In Circle Time this week we were thinking about what we should do if we see something happen in the playground. We spoke about dos and don’ts and that it is our responsibility to report something if we observe something unacceptable happening. We also highlighted that we have control over ourselves – we shouldn’t be doing things just because someone has told us to. We will be continuing to think about these lessons in future Circle Time discussions.

Mrs Cox

This week with Mrs Cox we were developing our massage skills.


In ICT this week we had 3 Primary 7s come to help us and introduce us to Google Docs. We had to use our special Google login to log on and had to start practising using the dictionary feature and pictures feature of Google Docs. We found this quite tricky to use but we’re sure we will get used to it as we continue to use it and develop our skills in the future. Thank you to the Primary 7s for their help 🙂


Everyone gave fantastic talks this week and it was interesting to see such a wide variety of topics. It was obvious how much hard work and preparation had gone into the task. The most common next step for talks is to try and use more eye contact with the audience. Well done 3D! (apologies to anyone not included in the following photos – technology issues!!)