Week beginning 12th November 2018

This week is a four day week for the children – Monday to Thursday. Friday is an in-service day for staff only.

We will be walking up to Kincorth library on Wednesday morning after break.

Letter Sounds

This week our letter sounds are g and o. Letter g homework should be completed for Wednesday and letter o homework should be completed by the following Monday.

Common Words

Please continue to revise the first 12 common words on the word wall in the white book. Words for this week are so and had. Please complete the common word homework for Thursday. You may need to help your child to write the number after counting the words together. They can now also try to write the words.


The children will get 2 new books this week. They will have heard the extended story in school so may be able to tell you more about what is happening in the pictures. Encourage your child to look at the words or point to them as you read.

Word Pots

The children still have the main character names in their word pot. Kipper, Biff, Chip, Mum, Dad and Floppy.

Other words –

the will be added for the book The Pancake

a will be added for the book A Good Trick


This week we are continuing with our 2D shape – circle, square, rectangle and triangle, drawing, recognising, making patterns and looking at their properties.

As part of our Big Maths we do CLIC sessions in the class which at this stage of Primary 1 only involve C – counting and L – learn its.

Our learn its for this term are 1 + 1 = 2 and 2 + 2 =4.

These are facts which the children have to learn and remember. The first ones we do are the doubles so the fingers on each hand can be used to demonstrate the fact.

We will be revising these learn its a lot throughout the rest of this term so we are ready to move on to the next ones in the new year.

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