SOLO: An Approach to Teaching, Learning & Assessment

With SOLO Taxonomy, students and teachers are able to:
1. Design learning intentions and learning experiences with built in assessment at the planning stage
2. Construct and use effective success criteria to aid formative & summative assessment
3. Provide meaningful feedback and feed forward assessment of learning outcomes
4. Reflect meaningfully on what to do next to improve a child’s learning and to improve the teaching process
Click HERE for a PDF of the Assessment Forum SOLO Powerpoint presentation.

2 thoughts on “SOLO: An Approach to Teaching, Learning & Assessment”

  1. Thanks for posting the PP on sali – I’ll show it to my other teacher. Looks really good and easy to use.

  2. Many thanks for gathering & uploading this excellent material Fiona.
    Your presentation was spot on & was just the poke I was needing to help us move our thinking on here at Kilninver.
    We have been using the Blooms verbs to help the children to take a more structured look at the skills they are developing through practical activity – Will let you know how we get on with this new material.

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