3 new ipad training courses at Cardross in 2013.

iPads for Beginners
Date: Wednesday 23rd October 3:45pm-5pm Location: Cardross Primary
Places: 30
This course is designed for teachers interested in using an iPad within the classroom but are unsure where to start.
It will cover the very basics of iPad use, such as notes, safari and the camera. This course is not suitable for teachers that are already familiar with this device.

iPads for Teaching and Learning
Date: Wednesday 20th November 3:45m-5pm Location: Cardross Primary
Places: 30
This course will cover teaching and learning content with iPads. Examples of apps and how they have been used in the classroom will be showcased as well as the SAMR model and how it can be applied to transform teaching and learning.

iPad Apps
Date: Wednesday 4th December 3:45pm -5pm Location: Cardross Primary
Places: 30
Teachers will rotate to various stations and have a limited time there getting to know a particular app. Pupils from Cardross will guide you through each app and examples of work they have created with it.

All bookings should be made to:
Regional Training Centre
Cardross Primary

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