Scottish Art

It’s that time of the year again when the whole school make some Scottish art for Burns Week.  Our class made Scottish Still Life pictures. First we looked at lots of examples of still life by different artists. Then we came up with ideas of things we could draw. We made pictures of Irn Bru, Scott’s Porridge  Oats, thistles, teacakes, tartan, bread and a Saltire. We all used our creative art talent to make an artistic and very Scottish picture. We moved all of our tables into a big square around a table in the middle of the room. Miss Travers arranged all the objects on the middle table. Some of us made just one of the objects on the table. Some of us made all of them, everybody had total art freedom and created lots of interesting pictures. Scottish art is something our class enjoy doing a lot and we absolutely loved doing it! There was lots of unique and talented art creations. We hope to do it again sometime in high school! Everybody had a wonderful time being creative.

By Callum


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