Endeavour Showcase

We are nearing the end of this years Endeavour projects.  On Tuesday afternoon the children will have an opportunity to show off their learning to visitors; parents, students, teachers and the local community.  They have worked hard all year improving their planning, management, organisation, evaluation and presentation skills.  Now they get to present that learning to a wider audience.

After the showcase children have one final task- to review and reflect on their achievements.  They have to answer questions:   What new learning did I achieve?  How was my project challenging?  Did I have any problems to overcome?  Who or what helped with my project?  What did I create with my new learning?  Did I achieve all my targets?  How did I share my learning?

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They will look at the universal learning with regards to planning,reviewing, researching and presenting and the success criteria and decide how successful they have been.  From their they will decide on next steps.  These reviews, in the form of a PPT will be printed out and shared with parents in their learning logs.


My Endeavour is on William Shakespeare and one of the things I wanted to achieve was to do a video of a monologue I learned from a Shakespeare play, acting out to show what the words mean.  The monologue I am doing is Helena’s speech from a Midsummers Night Dream, which was recommended to me as a good starting point by Gregory Doran.  Here is my video…


IMG_1588The culmination of the Endeavour project for the students is the Endeavour fair.  For primary 7 pupils they join other primary 7s from around the island in High School for an afternoon alongside S1 and S2 pupils to showcase their learning.  There is also an Endeavour fair in school for P5-7.

The High School Endeavour fair is an opportunity for students to see what others have managed to achieve in their projects and chat with them about their journey.  Teachers from High School also have a chance to meet with students and discuss their learning alongside members of the public.  It is a great opportunity for children to100_9494 demonstrate their communication and presentation skills.

Our school fair is always widely supported by parents and we have had food, cake, plants for sale, live lobsters and chicks and exploding volcanoes to entertain the visitors, as well as music and videos and games.  Sharing the learning is the final an most crucial part of the Endeavour project and it is an opportunity and motivation for children to make the effort to complete their projects.




Here are some of our top tips for carrying out Endeavour:



Here are the outlines for some of the projects carried out in 2014:

I will research the care of chickens, chicken housing and breeds of chicken. I will build a model chicken coop, then use this as a model to build my own house. Having persuaded Mrs Macdonald to have chickens in school I will then incubate and hatch the chickens.

I am interested in learning about natural disasters, what causes them and how climate change may have an effect. This will involve a lot of research, and I also hope to make experiments that look at the effects of climate.

I am interested in setting up my own garden at home with raised beds, and planting and managing the school croft. I will write to the Beechgrove garden for advice, will need to research vegetables and growing conditions, build and maintain my garden. We could use vegetables grown in the school croft for a café.

I would like to work in an office when I grow up and so I have decided to learn about the skills needed to work in an office. I will create spread sheets, learn about keeping books and get experience working in an office for my dad and in school. At the end I will be able to make a working model of an office.


In school we have learned about health and I wanted to try and become more healthy by learning about keeping fit. I will walk and do fitness at home, research fitness techniques and run a fitness afternoon at school.


I will research tribes around the world and the different survival skills they have learned. Looking at survival skills, I will try different activities such as foraging, lighting fires and building shelters and then use these to organise a trip into the wilderness where I will need to apply my skills.

I would like to be a horse riding instructor so I plan to learn all aspects of horse riding, including making a labelled model and writing a blog. I hope to teach someone from my class to ride a horse and make a video of how to tack a horse.

I enjoy reading and writing so I have decided to write my own book for my Endeavour project. I will research top tips, plan my plot and then write and edit the story, getting people to read and suggest improvements as I go.

For my Endeavour I want to learn how to sew and make my own clothes and other items. I plan to make a skirt and top, as well as a bag which means I need to learn how to use a pattern, sew by hand, use a sewing machine and design clothes.




A popular area for Endeavour projects has been cooking.  We are very lucky at Port Ellen to have our own teaching kitchen area and take advantage of it for children wishing to cook or bake for their Endeavour.

100_8227Maisie used the kitchen extensively to create beauty products like smoothies and face masks for her 2014 Endeavour, and even persuaded some of the boys to try it!  She also researched the impact of the beauty industry on the environment and animal welfare, and enjoyed creating her own eco-friendly beauty products.

Abbie was a joint winner of the first Endeavour award for her cookery book on international cooking.  She would bring in 100_8228ingredients every week for recipes around the world and would then feed the class, who would give her feedback on the project.  I really enjoyed her Indian onion chutney.

IMG_1601We have had two trainee bakers, Annie and Natalie.  Both baked the guess the weight of the Christmas cake for the school fair and sold their cakes as businesses, developing skills for the world of work at the same time.  Both made birthday and Christmas cakes, and their baking was amazing as you can see from the photo.  You can read Natalie’s cake blog in the link on the right.

IMG_0168Emma also enjoyed developing her skills in the kitchen.  She was learning to cook and develop independence in the kitchen, shopping for food, finding all the equipment, following a recipe and cleaning up afterwards.  Despite her communication difficulties she enjoyed working with other children and learned skills for life.





Over time we have developed a lot of different resources to help provide structure to Endeavour through a process continuous improvement and tweaking.  The planners and assessment rubriks used are not essential to the project, but do help guide the process.

Initial planning for Endeavour is key and children fill out this planner at the start of the project to guide them to the finish line.  This long term planner is then broken down over time into medium and short term plans, the short term planner being based on a simple plan, do, review format (see below).  We also carry out a SWOT analysis so children can assess the likely success of their project.

new endeavour planner



Children also regularly carry out peer and self assessment tasks over the course of the project to check they are making progress.  There are task management, collating information and presenting rubriks.

Endeavour task management rubrik

Endeavour information rubrik

Endeavour presentation rubrik


At the end of the project children complete an assessment sheet with teacher and parents input, and there is also a review presentation.


Endeavour review

All these documents are useful tools in the management of Endeavour, and are applied rationally over time to ensure high quality self evaluation of progress and of their own project, and should always be accompanied by lots of class, peer and teacher discussion.




In the first year of Endeavour all the schools involved worked closely and held several discussions to assess the impact of the project, as well as surveying the views of parents and children.  Some of the key issues we had included finding space in the curriculum, resources and ensuring all children could achieve at the correct level.

Space in the curriculum is limited and we were allocating an afternoon a week for at least two terms in the year, so we had to justify this use of time.  The depth of learning achieved and the skills of planning, time management, researching and presentation developed meant we were confident children were achieving skills that would be invaluable in their future learning and careers.  The results the children produced at the end confirmed this, but the projects required careful management and direction at the outset if they were to work.

100_8226Resources were another key issue.  Some projects required the purchase of equipment and it should not be expected that parents will provide all the resources.  In the first year the authority provided some funding, but since then we have managed any extra costs through the school budget.  These have included the purchase of a sewing machine, soldering equipment and electronics, and model airplane kits.  Human resources are also key; as the teacher the project can be difficult to manage if the expectation of the child being responsible for their own learning is not clear at the start.  This can be challenging for some and they may require more structure and support to succeed. The use of classroom assistants and local community members can be invaluable here; this year I have a classroom assistant supervising baking, a former headteacher supporting learners and a member of the community teaching sewing skills.  However in my first year I managed with no extra adult support.

Ensuring all children achieve and that they are focused on their work can be tricky.  Most are motivated to work hard because they chose the topic, but ensuring planning at the start is detailed really helps keep them on track.  Endeavour works well for all children as what they do and how they show their learning is chosen by the child; children who are reluctant writers can achieve a lot through practical work or film or presentations.  A child with autism and communication difficulties was able to complete successfully two years of Endeavour on cooking and trips around the island.

We gave out questionnaires in the first year to parents and children and the response was very positive.  Everyone felt they enjoyed the project and that it was worthwhile.  Some parents felt children needed more help and some children would have liked more time in class to complete their project.  More regular peer and self assessments were introduced to ensure children were on track and challenging themselves to the same level as their peers.

IMG_1601Since the implementation of Endeavour children are always excited to know when their project will start, and we have now rolled it out throughout the school at early and first level in the form of mini endeavours, where children apply similar skills at an appropriate level and with more support over just a term.  Children have a better set of key skills for life, learning and work and are able to apply them across the curriculum; children are more independent in their learning and able to make decisions about how and what to learn.  They are also more prepared for High School and future careers.  You can access the questionnaire we used below.

Endeavour questionnaire(1)




One of the key features that helps build a successful Endeavour is having the children get advice from experts.  At the start of the project I have the children write a persuasive letter to an expert in the field, usually someone who uses key skills relevant to the Endeavour in their job. In the letter they ask key questions that will help them in their project.  I am always surprised by how often they receive helpful replies and how motivated they become as a result.   Contacting people locally and further afield to ask for advice and help with the project shows the children that their projects are real and valid, and it is also very exciting when a letter arrives in the post!  Letter writing and communicating successfully with others is also a useful skill for work.

In the first year of the project a local architect sent a series of letters to Scott explaining how the house design process works.  Sometimes help is more direct; Jason was contacted and video-conferenced with a nuclear engineer on electronics, while Helen and Elinor had the local wildlife photographer visit to tell them how to take great photos for their wildlife related projects.

quiltIn 2014 Beth’s project on puppet making was helped when she used Twitter to converse with Steve Hewlett, the ventriloquist from Britain’s got Talent, about her project.  Elizabeth received a letter from Manran encouraging her in her Gaelic singing project, while Cameron was in regular email contact with the Beechgrove Garden team about his croft.  Often we receive gifts as well; Asher was sent survival books and Torin was very excited to receive video games through the post for his game design project. Local help came in the form of weekly visits from the local quilters association to help Danni with her Islay quilt, while local bakers posted baking equipment to Annie for her cake business.

2015 and Beth visited the RSPB for her bird anatomy project, while Emily and Jodie visited local wool makers.  Eleanor worked with the local dietitian on delivering healthy eating advice to the school and Oliver received a letter from a physicist at St Andrews university advising him on his project on quantum mechanics.  This year Eva received advice from the director of the Royal Shakepeare company on her project on Shakespearean monologues, and Kaitlyn received freshwater pearls from a jewellery designer in the post for her jewellery making topic.

People are invariably kind and generous with their time and help and we have been very lucky to be supported in this way by so many.

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