All posts by A. Paterson


This week, outcomes and thinking about what we have achieved, has been a theme running through my work.

Understanding the difference between outputs and outcomes is important.

Outputs relate to “what we do”.   Outcomes refer to “what difference is there”.

In the past, we’ve tended to focus on outputs – the “what we do and who we reach”.  We have done a good job of describing and counting our activities and the number of people who come. Now, however, we are being asked: “What difference does it make?”  This is a question about OUTCOMES.

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New Beginnings

Picture 1This past week there has been a focus on new beginnings. Monday saw many new staff taking up posts in our schools in Argyll and Bute. This year we welcomed 21 Probationers. 15 In Primary and 6 in Secondary. It is a privilege for all of us involved in supporting probationers to watch the enthusiasm and excitement that is brought by these new members of staff into our profession.

On Monday I was also delighted to welcome new members to the central team. Sandra Clarke Pauline Inglis and John Macpherson to the posts of Education Officer , Lorna Stewart to the post of Education Support Officer ASN and Catriona Garvin as Education Support Officer for Gaelic. It is great to bring new ideas and knowledge to our Education Team. I know they have all been busy contacting schools and have some visits already arranged to schools. The role of Education Officer is about supporting schools on their improvement journey. This support is offered in many ways and appropriate to the individual needs of our schools.

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Anne Paterson – Acting Head of Education

I am delighted to be taking forward the role of Acting Head of Education in Argyll and Bute.  As many of you know I have spent all of my educational career in Argyll and Bute and am strongly committed to ensuring our young people get the best opportunities they can.  I came into Education as a Primary Teacher in 1982 wanting to make a difference for the young people in my class.  My focus today is the same only it is now about making a difference for all of the young people in Argyll and Bute.  This is something we all believe is important for our young people and for our future

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