Lochgilphead Young Enterprise Team

Over the last year, Lochgilphead High School’s Young Enterprise team has created T-shirts designed by themselves, and have excelled in selling the product to fellow school pupils and peers. The team was automatically entered in the area finals which took place on the 23 of April at Inveraray, directly competing against other schools.
They triumphed at the event and won the trophy assigned to the team with the best display board, and then for the first time in 7 years went on to win the overall prize and proceed in the competition, winning based upon their display, reports, interviews and presentation all judged on the day. And the 700% profitable dividend could also fall into reasoning for their triumph, a far higher profit margin than any of the other schools.

The exciting news for ‘Plain Tease’ is that they will now head to the Thistle Hotel in Glasgow on the 18 of June to compete in the Scottish Young Enterprise final against another 15 teams. Thanks from everyone at Young Enterprise for supporting the product and effectively helping us along the way. It has been an exciting journey and a great end to our schooling years.
Connor Boyd

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