Using Playground Games to Celebrate European Day of Languages
Why not try linking Languages up with other things you are already doing like Literacy or PE. Take a look at this eBook for ideas on how to do this and share your learning as part of a celebration of European Day of Languages. To share the learning follow the instructions in the book or contact me directly
- Choose a game/playground game.
- Choose what language you want to teach/revise eg. numbers
- Play the game inside/outside.
- Ask learners if they can remember the instructions (in English) & explain them to someone else. This could be in spoken form as a short presentation or a conversation, or learners could draw & label key words or write a set of instructions/describe what they did. If learners can add anything in another language eg. key words or the language they practised in the game, then that would be great!
- Choose how to share the work with others in the class/school community/parents Want some inspiration? Listen to Toby (P3) explain how to play Pêcheurs & poissons in this short video using the App Sock Puppets.