A fun and informal technology day – starting at 10am prompt and will include a short presentation by a technology specialist. There will be a range of exciting hands-on technology workshops, led by primary pupils from Helensburgh schools. This event is open to primary pupils and parents/guardians. Please note that all pupils must be accompanied by a responsible adult.
You will get the opportunity to try out some of the following technology:
- Kodu & Scratch
- Project Spark
- Raspberry Pi
- Animation and Green Screen
- App development
- Lego WeDO 2.0
- VEX IQ (robotics)
- Drones
This event is free however you must register in order to be allocated a place https://www.argyll-bute.gov.uk/learn .
Event flyer can be downloaded here – Technology Showcase event flyer Hermitage
This is going to be an amazing event for the HALCO area. I’m really looking forward to it and I know loads of my class will be attending with their parents.