Luing Pupils Visit Atlantic Island Site

All of the pupils of Luing Primary School were invited to visit the building site of the Atlantic Islands Centre in Cullipool. In preparation of this, they compiled a long list of questions. On arrival they were met by Andrew Pinkerton, the project development manager, Shona Cameron the architect, and Neil the site manager from McLeod Construction. All children were given a high vis jacket and a hard hat to wear. They then ventured into the building taking great care not to stand on the underfloor heating pipes, Andrew explained the layout and then answered lots of questions.

Shona talked about her drawings and plans. Neil listed all the work still to be done and explained which tradesmen would carry out the different tasks. Neil was also asked about the completion date!

The children then went to Cullipool Hall to inspect a model of the finished building and to put forward their ideas about what should be included in the centre, some more feasible than others. The children are now working on a list of food that they would like to be served in the cafe. Everyone is looking forward to visiting the completed centre.

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