Category Archives: Global Citizenship

Essay Success – What does ‘sustainable living’ mean to you?

Each year the Trust for Sustainable Living organises a global essay competition, which this year invited schoolchildren to outline their ideas for sustainable living and the steps needed for societies to achieve them. This year 73 countries participated and essays were received from 1,094 children. We had several finalists from Port Ellen and in July Asher travelled down to Oxford to attend the international schools debate, which was attended by children from 23 countries.

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Danke und auf Wiedersehen

Pupils, parents and staff from Dunoon Grammar School gathered at the school at 6.30 am last Thursday (26 June) to bid a fond farewell to German partners as the 2014 edition of the Dunoon Grammar School and Hardenberg Gymnasium exchange came to a close.

The tearful goodbyes from both sets of pupils as the German bus pulled away from DGS illustrated the success of this year’s exchange and the bond forged between the pupils involved. Continue reading Danke und auf Wiedersehen

St. Joseph’s children always happy to help!

The children and parents of St Joseph’s were delighted to lend a hand to Helensburgh Rotary Club’s Aquabox Appeal last term. This year the children were not asked to bring in small toiletry items etc. as in previous years but to collect money to assist in buying an Aquabox which was already full of essential items for those people in third world countries. St Joseph’s gladly embraced the request and held a non-uniform day solely for the purpose of raising funds for the appeal.

Continue reading St. Joseph’s children always happy to help!