My Place Photography Competition



On Monday 20th February primary 5/6/7 had to guess who won the My Place Photography Competition


and Mrs Clark said that there was a winner and a runner up in the class. So we went through all the photos and Mrs Clark told us if we were right or wrong. We were told that the runner up was Ruaraidh MacDonald and the winner was Matthew Campbell. They were absolutely shocked and they were very happy and exited. On the 22nd March they will go to Glasgow and get presented to and interviewed by the press. Our photos will be blown up and put with all of the other winners and runner ups. They will get to see a private viewing of all the winners and runner ups from the past years. Then they will go back to Islay that night and they will tell their school the next day when they go back in.




Cooking Club



On a Wednesday afternoon some of the pupils in Port Ellen Primary go to cooking club with Mrs Clark and Mrs Harrison. We have made lots of different dishes from different countries around the world. On Wednesday 22nd of February we made Moroccan food and some of the food we made were soup, flat bread, humus and we used lots of chick peas, spices and vegetables. We have also made samosas, vegetable curries, lentil soup and salsa.

Cooking club started on Wednesday 25th January and we hope that it will continue after the summer holidays.We also want to thank Mrs Clark and Mrs Harrison for deciding to run it for us.

By Rebecca and Charlie




Joint Choir

Every Monday after school Port Ellen and Bowmore choir join together to learn and sing the two part. Every week Bowmore and Port Ellen take turns to go over to each others schools. We get over on the bus, but Port Ellen leave school fifteen minutes earlier to get to Bowmore in time since Bowmore finish earlier. It isn’t only good for singing in the choir it gives Port Ellen and Bowmore a chance to know each other before going to high school. We all enjoy going and every week we sing two different two parts. Each two part has sopranos and altos, which are two different kinds of singing. Even though the choirs are joined together, there are still two separate choirs and they are still competing against each other in the Mod. I think that this is a great opportunity to meet other children from Bowmore and is great to improve our singing.

By Ellie and Kaya Middleton

Lunchtime Clubs

We have started lunchtime clubs that are run by the children in P5/6/7.

On Monday there is Rounders club that is for P4-7 and that is run by Rebecca, Sarah and Abi.

On Tuesday there is a Table Tennis club that is for P4-7 and that is run by Matthew, Jack and Holly.

On Wednesday there is Rugby club and that is for P5-7 and it is run by Taylor, Darren and Struan.

On Thursday there is orienteering which is club for P4-7 and it is run by Ruaraidh, Charlie and Aidan.

On Friday there is Dance club for the wee ones P1-4 and that is run Kaitlyn, Rowan and

Everyone is really excited to be going to these clubs. There was a dance club last term and the wee ones loved it so we decided to keep doing dance club. Also for Rounders we wanted to do that last term but the weather was not suitable to use the grass so we decided to do Rounders club this term.

By Kaitlyn and Rowan.


Rachel and Bella’s visit to Port Ellen Primary School


On Tuesday 7th February at 3PM my Mum brought my Guinea Pigs Rachel and Bella up to school for my presentation on my “Guinea Pig instruction Booklet “ I have been working on with Miss MacIntyre.


The cage was covered by a towel over it is because they like the dark and because they like it on their own. Also, Guinea Pigs can get scared easily and in new places. My class all sat around the cage quietly and waited for me to take off the towel. They were so excited and couldn’t wait to see Rachel and Bella. Ellen was jumping around on her knees she was that excited!


I carefully removed the towel and took Bella and Rachel out of the cage. My class were so happy to see my Guinea Pigs and that made me feel so happy for them. It was the first time most of them had met them and they thought they were both so cute! Most of the class preferred Bella because she is the baby Guinea Pig. I feel sorry for Rachel so I gave Rachel lots of love and cuddles as she is my favourite.


My mum also brought in the bowls, small water bottle, toys, food and the corn sticks they like to eat to show the class. I really enjoyed doing this project a lot and hope my class enjoyed learning about Guinea Pigs from me too.


by Braeden P4



In maths we have been learning about new things in Sum dog like fractions, time, shape and other stuff. Sumdog is the best maths game I have ever played.   Sum dog is a great game to use for maths. The game has got good games on it. Here are most of the games DRESS DOWN, JUNK PILE, KITE BOARDING, PIRATE SHIP, SOCCER, ANIMALS, TOUCH DOWN, TOWER CLIMBER. The aim of the game is to try and beat other players from different countries and your friends from other schools and your school.

Questions about sum dog? what is sum dog? sum dog is a game that you can use for Maths and other subjects in our class. Our class has won one of the certificate for the most points for sum dog.

Skin Care And The Beauty Industry Endeavour

Endeavour is a long term personal topic that has to be ambitious. For my Endeavour I have chosen to do skin care and the beauty industry because I want to learn how to look after my skin and learn about beauty. I have learnt about animal testing and different ingredients in beauty products. I have also looked at bad/harmful ingredients. I have done a leaflet on different allergic reactions you can get when you use the ingredients in natural lip balm. I have also written a letter to Ailsa Hayes and written a recipe for a breakfast themed face mask. I have also started a sway that I will hopefully keep  adding to as I progress with my learning.

Bird Endevour


Today February 1st 2017 David Wood from the RSPB came into the nursery to talk about birds to them and I was there. He talked to me about my Endevour project and he awnsered some of my questions like where certain birds go to migrate, what bird he thinks I should reasearch,how the RSPB finds out about where certain birds go and the birds behavior and he also told me about what the great British bird watch was all about and why they do it. We also went outside in the school grounds to watch all the birds there and record how many different kinds of birds were there. I saw lots of different kinds of birds like Rooks,Robins,Chaffinch,Chiffchaff,Blue tit,Herring gull,House sparrow,Black bird,Greenland white fronted geese.


Green Flag Renewal

images               We are very happy to have had our Green Flag renewed again.  Here is what the report said –

Congratulations to everyone in Port Ellen for a great whole-school effort in renewing the school’s Green Flag status. I thought your photographs showcased well all the great environmental work going on in school and it was clear that everyone had been working hard to reduce waste, encourage healthy lifestyle choices and re-develop your grounds as a marvellous resource for learning and recreation and a haven for wildlife. In so doing, you have monitored progress well, shared your successes with the wider community via your blogs and Twitter feed, and worked collaboratively with helpful partners such as Rejig, the RSPB, the Community Garden and your local plant supplier and boat builder. Eco is well- integrated into the curriculum and calendar via classwork such as your Water Cycle topic and events like your Waste and Walk to School Weeks, and you have enjoyed well-deserved success in the STEM Challenge, the Junior Saltire Award and the Pocket Picnic Garden Competition. Finally, you are to be warmly commended for your beach cleaning activities, your promotion of Fairtrade in school and your generous support of worthwhile charities such as Water Aid. Your young people are truly responsible, global citizens and I am sure you will enjoy exploring the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals as part of your ongoing Eco focus.

A Geologist Visits



Just before Christmas P4/5 were thrilled to get a visit from Miss Heads nephew Luke, who is a geologist.  He answered lots of their questions about volcanoes and earthquakes.  He was also very impressed by the children’s knowledge of the earth’s structure and plate tectonics.

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