My Day At BT Murryfield

One day after rugby club we where pulled in and I was chosen to be the mascot for the Scotland Rugby Team through the Islay Minis Rugby club, which is a club for people who want to play rugby till there in s2 and then they have to go to the one in high school.  On February 24th me, my dad and my grandad headed to Murrayfield to see the Scotland vs England rugby match as I was the mascot. When we got the stadium we had to meet up with the rest of the mascots to go and sit in a room and wait for some other people as they were late. When every one was in the room our parents went to there seats and we were taken into the tunnel where we waited for the game to start.  When the game was just about to start the players came out and lined up. I was partnered with Stuart Hogg who was my favourite player. When we ran out we had walk forward and kneel as Princess Anne walked behind us and shook the players hand. After that we went off and went to our seat and watched the game. Where we were sitting we had the subs right behind us. After half time we back to our seats and the game started up and it started up. When England were progressing through our defence, Jamie Bhatti, another one of my favourite players, he was injured and carried off and when he came up the steps to his seat he almost fell as he had torn something in his leg. After the game we went down and had to wait till the players got ready and got changed then they came out to sign our t-shirts and other stuff.  I was really thrilled that Scotland won!

Football Coach

img_0617On Monday 20th February Port Ellen Primary School had Martin Rae in to do football coaching and sports leader training with the children. We had to do warm up activities that were very fun and active. We had to do different types of relay races in our assigned teams. We had to practice dribbling using the new more challenging skills that we had been taught. At the end we sat down and he told us different warm up activities that would help us run our clubs. Over all we thought that it was a great experience and helped improve our football skills.

Afterschool Sports Club

Yesterday Gregor Mitchel came into do an after school club. It’s on from  3:30 – 4:30 every Wednesday. The football club is for P4 to P7.  We got to do warm ups and one of my favourites was a run around the pitch. The people from the front had to shout go then the people from the back had to run to the front then it was there turn. The second one was two vs two and the first one to score won the game. At this moment everyone wanted to do matches so Gregor decided to play matches then everybody felt happy. At the end of the day the score finished was 5-5 then everyone went in to get changed. Then we went home.img_0613

Lunchtime Clubs

We have started lunchtime clubs that are run by the children in P5/6/7.

On Monday there is Rounders club that is for P4-7 and that is run by Rebecca, Sarah and Abi.

On Tuesday there is a Table Tennis club that is for P4-7 and that is run by Matthew, Jack and Holly.

On Wednesday there is Rugby club and that is for P5-7 and it is run by Taylor, Darren and Struan.

On Thursday there is orienteering which is club for P4-7 and it is run by Ruaraidh, Charlie and Aidan.

On Friday there is Dance club for the wee ones P1-4 and that is run Kaitlyn, Rowan and

Everyone is really excited to be going to these clubs. There was a dance club last term and the wee ones loved it so we decided to keep doing dance club. Also for Rounders we wanted to do that last term but the weather was not suitable to use the grass so we decided to do Rounders club this term.

By Kaitlyn and Rowan.



imageOn Thursday 17th of November P5\6\7 was doing Shinty with Euan McMurdo the shinty development officer. He taught us different skills you need when playing shinty, like stopping the ball with your feet. We also got to play shinty which was very fun and everyone enjoyed playing shinty and look forward to playing it again soon.

ICycle Tests

P1010305On Thursday 29th October the whole of p7 did their cycling proficiency tests after practising for a term.  Everybody passed the practical with an A or B, and no one got a C. Once p7 got back up to Port Ellen they did the written test and everybody passed  so it was a success for p7.  We also completed road safety posters as part of our learning.  Well done everyone for all your hard work.

Police And Fireman Visit

On  Wednesday  28th October a policeman and a fireman came to our school to talk to us about firework safety. They told us what to do when you were finished with a sparkler which was to dunk it into a bucket of water and to wear gloves to protect your hands. They also told us what to do if an adult lit a firework and it didn’t set off, which was to stay away from it and tell an adult.

The fireman told us that they have to attend to bonfires set off by kids and since they have to attend to this, they can’t attend house fires because they will be busy putting out the bonfire. They also told us that to keep your pets inside like cats, dogs etc. They can either get frightened or hurt. So remember this information and stay safe during firework night!


At the weekend there was a swimming competition in Helensburgh. Three people from Port Ellen primary school took part. These three people were Ross, Struan and Matthew. Islay did very well at the competition with some people getting first, second and third. At the end of the first day all Islay, Kintyre and Oban teamed together to make some relay squads to face Helensburgh relay teams. Then on the next day there was a 3 hour long training session with all people from Argyll and Clyde. It is called path finders or B squad. There is also a A squad for older and more experienced swimmers. Four people from Islay got picked and Ross was the only person from Port Ellen Primary School.

By Ross and Struan

A Crunch For Lunch

IMG_0571On Wenesday 23rd September the children from Port Ellen had a Crunch for Lunch as part of Scottish School Meals day. We all ,student and staff, had to bring in an apple and have it for lunch break. We also had a Scottish themed lunch. It was mince and potatoes or stewed sausages and potato soup. For pudding it was dumpling or scones. It was really tasty. We all enjoyed our apples. We had our crunch for lunch day because it was healthy and Scottish. Everyone enjoyed our Crunch For Lunch Day.

By Bronagh and Mirren.




All about maps

In school we have been learning about maps, compass points and symbols.  We are making our own map in groups the groups are called the adventurous, the muddy maps, the orienteering otters and the history hippies.  Talking about orienteering we are using maps in orienteering to help use maps properly and also because it is our topic, it is good fun. We have been doing degrees of the compass and bearings. I have not quite got it yet but I will get it. I also need to know how to use a map because it is a bit complicated with all of the wee lines on the maps although it is complicated it is still fun.


By Rowan P567

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