1. Oliver welcomed us all.
2. Scott and jasmine were off
3. Our progress- We have done our pitch posters, chosen our litter police for the week then we will change it every week and we have also started doing spot checks in the class to see if the classes are putting their rubbish in the right bins.
4. At our next meeting we will discuss what we have done and say what we did.
5. We have written our ideas down for the green flag assessment and all the classes have a job to do.
6.We are thinking of doing some fund raising to make money. We are thinking of buying bags to sell and do some fair trade tuck.
7. All of the classes are taking part in getting the school ready for the assessment.
8. The date of our next meeting is Thursday 20th November.
9. At our next meeting we are going to get ready for the assessment.
By Annie- secretary