
For a couple of weeks p5/6 and p7 have been learning about elections and have been organizing their own parties. We all got split in to groups and there were six parties. The six parties were, the peace party, t.a.p which stood for the animal party, the green team, the fun party, fruitastic and w.o.f which stands for world of fitness. They all had slogans,

Peace Party- Make Peace, Have a Break

Green Team- We are Green and we are Keen

t.a.p- We stand for the Animals

Fruitastic- Fruity Fun

Wof- Fitness for Life

Fun Party- Fun for one and Fun for All!!!!!!

On Monday was our hustings, each group took it in turn to come and present their party on front of the school. In the presentation was the party leaders speech, the groups power point and the video which told you about them and how they would help people.They also went round at breaks handing out stickers so people would vote for them.

On Tuesday was the voting day where everyone in the school voted for who they thought would be the best. We set it up like a proper election, we had an electoral register, a ballot paper and everyone voted separately in the polling stations.

On Wednesday Mrs Clark and Miss Brown counted up all the votes: here are the results;

6th place- The Peace Party with 6 votes

5th place- wof with 7 votes

4th place-  The Green Team with 9 votes

3rd place- Fruitastic with 11 votes

2nd place- Tap with 18 votes

1st!- Fun party which had 26 votes !!! 🙂

This was all part of our election topic and to finish our election topic, we are going to write our captains speech and use as many techniques as possible.

By Emily and Izzy 🙂

Port Ellen Election Madness!

We are currently learning all about how to run an election with Primary 5-7.  We have learned about democracy and how elections work and the different sorts of government.  We are now organising our own political parties for an in school election next week, debating, writing speeches, making party political broadcasts and a manifesto.  Who would you vote for and why?


Hello, we are the FUN party and if you vote for us we will make breaks 5 minutes longer, write a letter to the council to fix the swings at the playing fields, and we will make it a rule that everyone must smile at least once a day.  So vote for us, All for FUN and FUN for all!

The Peace Party

We are the Peace Party and we are going to stop bulling in schools, build a peace garden, stop war in scotland and if any country is at war we will give them a reward if they stop.

Please vote for the Peace Party its the right thing to do.

Make Peace, have a Break

Vote 4 The Peace Party!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(Please)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

WOF World of Fitness

We are the WOF party which stands for World of Fitness and we want everyone to do more exercise and get fit.  We are a party standing in the Port Ellen mock elections.  We want to encourage not just Port Ellen and Islay but Scotland and the whole of the UK to get fit.  Here is our logo. Vote for us!


Hello I am a member of T.A.P, The Animal Party. P5/6 and P7 have been working on a mini topic on elections and we have divided our self’s into six groups each group created their own party we are presented all the stuff we did in our party groups on Monday afternoon. The Animal Party helps the animals. our slogan is We Stand For The Animals

Vote For The Green Team

Please vote for the green team, WE ARE GREEN AND WE ARE KEEN. If you vote for us we will stop the poloution in the world, to use less electricity we will get solar panels in our school, we want to have clean beaches so we will encourage people to have more beach cleans and we will use the car less and then walk instead.

Vote For Fruitastic

We are fruitastic vote for us because we are trying to make the world a better place by getting people to eat fruit more. We have a fruit shop in school, we will get a fruit van for islay and lower the price of fruit and higher the price of fatty food. We will also support the farmers that work hard and dont get much money. Vote for us !!

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