Beetle drive

On Friday 2nd May p2/3 made a Beetle Drive with a raffle. In the game we had to make small sheets to draw the beetles on. Number 1 was the body, and number  2 was the head, number 3 was the antennae, number 4 was the eyes  number 5 was the mouth and number 6 was the legs. To get the numbers you had to roll a dice and who ever won got a prize. We played three games. It was so much fun. We won one raffle prize it was a fantastic raffle.

By Rebecca,Rowan and Eleanor 🙂

The World Of Money

P 2/3 have been learning about money all around the world.  We learned you got a $500 notes.In Botswana the money is called Pula.  In Malawee the money is called Kuacka. Lots of places in America use Dollers. Most places in Europe like France use Euro’s and scence. People in Britten use Pounds and Pennies. There are different faces on pound notes, like; the Queen, Robert Burns, Robert the Bruce and in Cameroon you can even get Diggers on the money. ( COOL!!!)  In China you get Yen. You can’t get can get £1 notes here anymore but you can in other places. You can even get £1000 notes in some places and you get £5000!

By Aidan, Taylor, Torin and Izzy

Commonwealth Piggy Banks

How to make a Commonwealth piggy bank.

What you will need:




egg box

coloured   tissue  paper


googly eyes


First get a  balloon  and  blow it up.

Next dip newspaper in to paste.

Then stick the newspaper onto the balloons.

After that put coloured paper on it.

Finally  wait for it to dry.

By Freya and Rhys

Traveling Art Gallary

On Monday 19th of April Port Ellen Primary p4/5 and p6/7 went to see the traveling art gallery bus in Bowmore. The art exhibition inside was made by Rachel McClean, all of the paintings were made by her and even the paint design was made by her on the inside of the bus’ wall. We watched  one of her movies The Lion and the Unicorn, it was based on Scottish Independence.  She used a green screen to take her pictures, all of the people in the  paintings were her.   The paintings were very strange but did show us what the artists views were and were very clever.

By Nicholas and David

Education Award

On the last day of school, Scottish Education Award judges came to our school because we were in the final of the Scottish Education Awards for Enterprise.  They were most impressed with the social enterprise, Scent Citizens, and got to see the other enterprising things we do in school like Endeavour.  Two people from the Scottish Education Awards, came into our class and asked us about our Endeavour and they looked at our Learning Logs.  They asked us questions like; What is Endeavour?, Why did you choose your Endeavour? and What do you do in your Endeavour?  We even made them a cake in Endeavour.

By Elizabeth

Bowmore Visit Us For Endeavour.

On the 30th April Bowmore P7 came to visit us to find out about our Endeavour projects.  We were partnered with people from Bowmore and met new people.  Before they left they got to try out our Endeavour projects and we answered their questions.  We had great fun.

Our Gaelic Cafe

On Friday 2nd May some of p6/7 set up a Gaelic cafe. Throughout the morning we had to speak Gaelic to the customers and the other pupils. We served tea, coffee and cakes that were kindly made by Cameron’s  mum. We also had to make help sheets for all the customers so that any of them who do not know how to speak Gaelic can try and learn a wee bit. Oliver was running the juice, Cameron and Annie were running teas and coffee, Izzy and Ciara were running the cakes and Robbie was adding the money and giving out change. Over all the day went really well and we made a profit of £29.19.

By Robbie and Cameron

Fair Trade Tuck

P6/7 were doing Fair Trade tuck because this week is finance week, and we were learning about Fair Trade and how it is better.  Fair trade is good because more of the money goes to the person that produced it. We also did some money for finance week.   On Monday we had hot chocolate, and it was yummy.  On Tuesday we had hot chocolate and coconut crunch.  It was the best coconut crunch I have ever had.  On Thursday we made chocolate crispy cakes.  Today we sold some fair trade foods at the Gaelic cafe. Everyone enjoyed it and we had great fun.  So buy Fair Trade!

By Ciara and Annie. 🙂

Fair Trade Stall

P6/7 have been learning about Fair Trade foods and why we have Fair Trade. They had a Fair Trade day for parents to come up and learn about Fair Trade. They had different stalls for different things, one had free samples of chocolate and some were selling trade mark goods. Many people came up to the school to find out about Fair Trade. They sold many variety’s of Fair Trade goods, what they didn’t sell they are rolling it over to the schools healthy tuck shop. At the end of it all they find out if they made a profit or loss with their money. It was a successful day for P6/7 and they all enjoyed it.

By Alicia & Torin

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