P 2/3 have been learning about money all around the world. We learned you got a $500 notes.In Botswana the money is called Pula. In Malawee the money is called Kuacka. Lots of places in America use Dollers. Most places in Europe like France use Euro’s and scence. People in Britten use Pounds and Pennies. There are different faces on pound notes, like; the Queen, Robert Burns, Robert the Bruce and in Cameroon you can even get Diggers on the money. ( COOL!!!) In China you get Yen. You can’t get can get £1 notes here anymore but you can in other places. You can even get £1000 notes in some places and you get £5000!
By Aidan, Taylor, Torin and Izzy
Really interesting blog I wanted to keep on reading.
I like fincling out about money. By Mara